Hi All!
Happy Monday and a start to the new week. This means it is back to Uni for me after a brief but much needed two week study holiday in which I did zero study (why change the habit of a lifetime) and plenty of nothing. As usual today’s post is on what made me smile last week and was rather useful as I got to Saturday and couldn’t really think about anything positive this week. After doing the post it made me remember the really positive times that were so overshadowed by the negative ones in my mind.
First off on Monday I made approx 50 mini cupcakes for Mum as the Business department at the Uni was having a competitive spring food festival and Mum’s dept (Marketing) needed some emergency cupcakes. I was so happy with how they turned out and the new icing tools I bought the week before made them look sooo pretty (for my standards!). And in return I got to sample all the other tables!
Tuesday I went down to Waiuku where my mum and family reside and you can read all about my day right here!
Lately Callie has taken to playing in our wardrobe and every time she does it I can’t stop giggling. She goes crazy in there!
Mid-Week baking session resulted in some brownies that were definitely a highlight for my chocoholic side. Recipe to come soon
Seriously good read from my opshopping in Waiuku. Finished in couple of days and could barely put it down. Has made me decide that I might do a monthly “what I’ve been reading” feature, we’ll see….
No photos but Friday night was a fun dinner and computer games with our old flatmates (good old bonding over some curry and zombie killing) and then Saturday followed with a really lovely evening over some great food with the soccer team and supporters of Mr 10.
Lastly, on Sunday the boys and Edd and I went off to MOTAT (Free for central Aucklanders during month of September by the way) and had a nice picnic in the sun beforehand. I will leave you all with some photos from our time at Motat! It is a museum of transport and technology and has lots of fun things to play around with like a mirror maze!
http://ellezel.blogspot.com Elle