Friday letters: Married life


Dear Edward: It makes me so happy to be your wife. Our day was perfect and I couldn’t have asked for anything more. Thankyou for asking me to be your wife 5 years ago and for waiting with me until the time was right. Dear Universe:I can’t thankyou enough for bringing me to this point in life. I may be currently unemployed (not for long I hope) but I couldn’t be happier with my little life and my little family of 3. Dear Friends and Family: Thankyou for sharing such a big part of our lives with us and for all behaving yourselves, I know it couldn’t have been easy :p. I couldn’t have planned the wedding or carried it off without the help and support of so many of you. Dear Gym: I love you for having a TV screen on each cardio machine. Less love for how busy you can be at certain times of the day (I’m looking at you post-work exercisers hogging all the cardio machines!!). Dear new Die Hard movie: Thankyou for not being rubbish like I was semi-expecting. Dear Lantern Festival: You. Me. Tomorrow night. I’m excited! Dear Self: Life is too good right now to let immature drama get you down :) Never stop speaking your mind. Dear 22 years of age: See ya Sunday!