On how you can find out whether you have the Christmas gene too

So I’m just going to warn you all right now that me and Christmas have a pretty great thing going. I could apologise (I do this a lot) or just let you know so that if you want to avoid me around Christmas time, you can (and I will only be slightly offended, promise).

I know Christmas gets a bad rap sometimes, for being commercialised, for being all about the food, for being all about the presents, for being all about Santa etc etc. but I love it.

I love Christmas for its food, its presents, its santa and all that other crappy commercial stuff. But mostly I love it because it gives me an excuse to find ways to show people I appreciate them (and an excuse to sing the approximate lyrics to Christmas carols. All day long).

My Foxy Corner has always been about things I love, and being my favourite day of the year, Christmas is something that will most definitely feature here over the next month (just be thankful I don’t go on about it all year round). There will be recipes, gift guides, DIYs and lists, because at Christmas we make many many lists.

So to start off December here is my first list on how you know you have a Christmas gene (the science behind this is not yet peer reviewed or verified).

10 signs you have the Christmas gene

  1. You find yourself singing Christmas songs to yourself whilst in elevators with other people 
  2. You hate fruit mince pies (and fruit mince in general) but make a conscious effort to try and love mince pies because they are Christmas and you are Christmas and it just doesn’t make sense that the thought of them makes you gag.
  3. You find yourself covered in tinsel when there is no actual tinsel to be found.
  4. You rub pine needles on yourself so that you can smell like Christmas. Or when you realise you are allergic to Christmas trees you rub pine scented candle wax on yourself instead (its totally not as weird as it sounds…why do they not have a Christmas perfume?)
  5. You have automatically started replacing swear words with christmas related curses, ’cause swearing at Christmas just seems wrong 
  6. You find yourself doodling Christmas trees instead of love hearts, even though yours always turn out crooked no matter how hard you try
  7. You start watching Christmas movies on December 1 so that you can make your way through all your favourites
  8. You make your flatmates scared to come home when they know you have been decorating
  9. Everyone in the office comes to you with Christmas related queries
  10. Sometimes you dream that you are Santa but then the pressure becomes to much and its a relief to wake up in the morning and remember you don’t have to supply 7 billion people with presents.

I’m not saying I do all of these things. But I do.

  • http://www.eatwellnz.co.nz Nicola

    Haha this is funny!! I’m normally into Christmas, but this year I’m not quite feeling the buzz yet. I think it’s because life’s been so busy, but I’ve got a free weekend this weekend so maybe it will kick in then :-)

    • http://myfoxycorner.wordpress.com myfoxycorner

      It can be hard to get into the season when life is crazy busy, I totally agree! Hope your weekend is going well :) x

  • http://thisismeagankerr.com thisismeagankerr

    Haha I definitely don’t have the Christmas gene! I do love spending time with friends and family, eating food and sharing gifts though 😀

    • http://myfoxycorner.wordpress.com myfoxycorner

      Haha fair enough, my flatmates also don’t have the Christmas gene 😛 It is nice to have an excuse to focus on family though :)

  • http://danslechamp.wordpress.com tallulahcardno

    Oh I definitely have the Christmas gene, right there with ya Lizzy! This week I’ve watched six Christmas movies and done three Christmas craft projects. Best time of year :)

    • http://myfoxycorner.wordpress.com myfoxycorner

      Good to hear I am not the only one 😀 Christmas is just such a fun time of the year! xx