Friday’s Letters: Happy Birthday to You (Me)

Friday's Letters Happy Birthday

Dear Self: Happy 24 years on this earth. Hope the next 24 are just as fun and full of love and adventure. Keep making mistakes, keep learning, keep growing. One step in front of the other, we can totally do this.

Dear Come Dine With Me: You make sick days worth dozing through.

Dear Car: You have been with us for around 4 years now and so it came as a bit of a surprise to discover the plethora of problems you have been hiding under your bonnet. Although I could complain about how we had no warning that we would need to fork out all of our dollars and more on a new car, I can instead be positive and think about the fact that this means we get to upgrade!

Dear Parents: Thank you for always answering my calls when I need advice or get into tricky situations. I feel like without you I would just curl up in the foetal position and nothing would ever get done.

Dear Corn Chips: After our Mexican birthday party it seems as though our house has been full of you. Don’t worry though, turns out you make a great meal replacement.

Dear Everyone: All my birthday wishes and birthday presents made my day. Love to you all.

Dear Blood Test: I have spent the last year and a half doing everything I could to procrastinate getting you done. I have a strange sense of achievement now  but also a pretty big sense of stupidity as you were no where near as bad as I built you up to be in my head.

Dear Edd: Thanks for holding my hand x