Posts Tagged ‘Dog’

Friday’s Letters: All Dogs Go To Heaven


Dear Tilly: Thank you for your kisses. Thank you for forcing us to go on beautiful walks throughout Auckland. Thank you for your unconditional love for the family. Thank you for your amazing personality and dog like charm. I hope you are somewhere happy and safe. I’m sorry you had to leave this world so early. Dear Work: I am not excited to do my first Saturday shift and six day week. At all. Dear Edd: Thank you for spoiling me this week. And for understanding my foul mood after a crappy week even though I shouldn’t take it out on you. Also I don’t know how you made the kitchen look like normal again but you did and it was awesome…until I had another round of baking. Dear Burger Fuel: Stop being so tempting and such a short drive away. Dangerous. Dear Customers: I know sometimes you feel like screaming/swearing/crying/complaining at me but there is only so much I can take (apparently) before I break down at work (rather embarrassingly). Just be a little more organized and we wouldn’t have this problem. Dear Books: WHY MUST YOU BE SO SAD? Dear Ruby Woo: You are almost certainly the most beautiful red lipstick I have had the pleasure of owning. Welcome to the my little lipstick horde collection Dear Sunday: A sleep in awaits and then a day with no plans (which is the best kind of day). Dear Lizzy: Keep on going through each week as it comes. Embrace the challenges and learn from the new. Crying is ok and sometimes imperative so just let it out every now and again. At the end of the week a Chanel perfume makes things feel (or smell) a lot better.