Posts Tagged ‘World War Z’

Random Favorites for June

Hi all!

Yesterday I posted my Beauty Favorites so today I thought I would tell you about a few random bits and pieces I have been loving this month (or last month rather…always behind oops). I may get emotional at some point during this post and weep over my keyboard so apologies in advance.


1. Jelly Belly Jelly Beans

Le me start by saying I am not a fan of jelly beans. I just never get the appeal…they must be one of the only lollies that I will turn down (free sugar is good sugar…normally). However! Mum bought a GIANT jar of these home from America for Edd and I and I can’t even begin to explain how much time we spend just sitting trying to decipher what all the 49 flavors are. Its bizarre really but these little morsels are pretty delicious and fun to eat. My favorite flavors are Buttered popcorn, green apple (I love apple anything), mango, sizzling cinnamon and watermelon.

2. Strawberry Pavlova Tea by Healtheries

What would winter be without pots of tea and lately this one has been a favorite. I won’t say too much other than it really does feel like dessert in a cup and thus works rather well as a post work drink. Delicious but rather sweet. Stay tuned for a more in depth review of these new dessert teas by healtheries.

3. Natio Candle in Floral Bouquet

I bought this candle at a makeup sale with Karen from Balmain Beauty for $15 (less than half the original price) and having enjoyed other natio products I was keen to give this a go. This has a very strong floral scent but when burned it is a little more subtle and adds a beautiful floral freshness to the room without being overly sweet or sickening. I was expecting to keep this for spring but loved it so much that I keep using it. Lasts for ages and smells wonderful, even the husband likes it which is downright weird.

4. World War Z

I don’t know if putting a movie I saw once as a favorite is cheating but I loved this movie kind of a lot and so HAD to mention it. I actually was not expecting to like this movie (at all) but went because I kept hearing people either say it was terrible or awesome so I had to see for myself. This zombie movie was action packed but also terrifying and stressful and emotional. By the end of it I was a little bit of an emotional wreck (my body can’t handle that much stress) and we almost lost our giant pop corn half way through when I freaked out and nearly hit it out of Edd’s hand. It was fun, go watch it!

5. Firefly

I saved the best (or worst) for last. Some awful friend of mine who wanted me to live in pain lent me her DVD of the first (AND ONLY) season of Firefly as Edd and I kept meaning to watch it (being a cult favorite and all). A week later and the whole thing was over (we got a little obsessed). This show was AMAZING and I loved everything about it. The characters were amazing, the cowboy sci-fi spin was unique and the whole darn show was awesome. Unfortunately due to poor marketing when it first aired the show was cancelled over ONE season so all the incredible potential in all the awesome story lines were JUST LEFT HANGING (WHO ARE YOU SHEPHERD? JUST KISS HER MALCOLM, THEN SHE WON”T LEAVE!!!!). So yeah.. I loved this show but now I am left scarred by what could have been (only slightly melodramatic). Regardless, I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did (and kind of wish I hadn’t haha) but if you some how have not seen it yet GO NOW and feel my pain.

That’s it for a slightly emotional random favorites. What random things have you been loving recently (but maybe not quite so obsessively as me)?
