Posts Tagged ‘Geoskincare’

Torn over a Night Cream: Product review

Hi all!

Today I bring you my thoughts on a night cream I have been trialling over the last couple of weeks. This night repair cream by geoskincare was a full size product I received in a SampleBar a couple of months ago and I was excited to give it a go. Being described as moisture rich and highly hydrating I saved this for winter when my sensitive dry skin freaks out and rebels against me. So how did this night cream fare against my challenging skin type?


The Pros
This cream doesn’t lie. It delivers great moisture and hydration in a rather unique formula that is thick an deeply moisturising without being greasy or leaving an unpleasant residue.
This night cream worked wonders on my skin and turned it from dry and irritated to soft and hydrated. Needless to say I was happily surprised that it worked so great, so quickly.
I also love that is brand is local and certified organic, paraben free and not tested on animals, all big ticks in my book.

The Cons
Okay so this review started with me stating I was torn in the title so it can’t all be amazing. I have two issues with this night cream that prevent me from denying my everlasting, undying love for it. First off, and most strangely, is the fact this night cream really irritates my eyes. It has a strong smell which I don’t mind but I feel like perhaps whatever natural fragrances create that aroma may be what is irritating my eyes if it gets too close. I have to be careful when applying it to avoid half an hour of continuous whining. The first time this happened I was was rather shocked as night creams don’t normally have this affect…I also know I’m not the only one this happened to so it worries me slightly that I can’t figure out what causes it.
The only other negative for this product is the price (being the tight, cheap ex-student that I am). $43.92 is more than I would generally pay for a night cream however it could be worse.

The Final Verdict
All in all if price was the only negative, this may have become a new holy grail part of my everyday routine. As it stands, due to weird sensitivity issues, I do hesitate in forking out the $44. Have said that, once this 50mL tube is finished I will find it hard to return to my $10 supermarket
night creams…and if I have a weak moment this may end up being repurchased due to it’s pretty incredible skills at fighting the negative effects winter has on my poor face.

Have any of you tried this night cream?