Posts Tagged ‘mega run’

Foxy Favorites for December


My last favorites post for 2012! Bring on 2013 and all its challenges :) I hope you all had a safe but fun New Years celebration (mine was pretty tame, spending the last moments of 2012 and the first of 2013 with the man I love which suits me just fine!). Here are my random favorites for the last month.

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1. Pfeffer-Nusse

These German gingerbread morsels of Christmassy deliciousness were brought to my attention by Edd and after finding them for $1.50 a bag at Kmart over the Christmas period my fondness for them blossomed. Little gingerbread sponge biscuits with a layer of thin icing over the top. I’m not sure if they are meant to be a Christmas food but seem to only be sold at that time here in NZ. I’m kind of glad they aren’t sold year round, I don’t think it would help my attempts at eating healthier.

2. Parks and Recreation

Edd and I watched about 4 seasons of this over the past couple of months and LOVED it! Every night we would settle down and end up staying awake far too late just because it was too hard to stop watching. A great character-driven comedy that feels a little like The Office. Great, lovable but cringe-worthy characters. My favorite? Ron Swanson of course.


3. MegaRun

So my iPhone app of the month is this simple but addictive game. Similar to MegaJump I believe (having never played a minute of that). At first I found this game a bit hard and kind of gave up but then Edd started playing and competition was born. Both of us have almost completed all the levels and I am 99% sure Edd is going to beat me to the finish but regardless it was a very fun game when I had a few minutes with nothing to do (or an hour where I should be doing quite a lot…).

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4. Green Tea with Orchard Peach

Despite it now being a little too hot to drink pots of hot tea each day my tea favorites continue! I still have hot tea when I manage but mostly I have been drinking tea chilled with a slice of lemon. This green tea with peach is a beautiful summery tea that is delicious hot but even better over ice.

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5. Christmas!

What would December favorites be without a mention of Christmas? I love Christmas and this year proved to be a great success. Edd and I visited three different family groups for celebrations on Christmas day and all 3 were lovely to be a part of. Favorite parts about this years christmas: the first time Edd and I have done our own Christmas tree, watching scary movies christmas eve with mum and family, over-indulging on ham, pavlovas, amazing trifles and roast dinner, buying presents for Callie, getting spoilt by absolutely everyone, spending Boxing day in a food coma and many more. I hope everyone else had a lovely holiday, whatever you choose to celebrate!

So there are my random Foxy Favorites for the past couple of months (mainly December). I can’t wait to see what January has in store other than this sweltering heat!

