I have loved reading this tag all over the blogging and youtube community and after being tagged by Laura I couldn’t wait to do it myself. I was expecting to find this a struggle and it almost worries me how easy it was. Too easy. Oh well, hope you enjoy learning more than a few pointless facts about yours truly.
- I have two big obsessions (probably more but two is enough to disclose for now): tea and nail polish. it can be a little ridiculous actually.
- I’m a Pisces and live up to quite a lot of the typical traits.
- My favourite flowers are hydrangeas, forget-me nots and peonies.
- My favourite colour is periwinkle blue
- I’ve been a vegetarian since 1st Jan 2014 and have loved making the change.
- I would love to go vegan but I also love cheese. So for now, no deal.
- I’m not a morning person (but would love to be). Instead I stay up all night reading pointless things on the internet when I should be sleeping.
- I find doing dishes super relaxing but I really hate vacuuming (no one said these facts were going to be interesting).
- I have pretty bad asthma and have to take my inhaler where ever I go.
- I also have eczema and hayfever/allergies.
- You probably had no idea, but my favourite animals are foxes, followed very closely by cats.
- I love churches as well as other religious buildings and could spend my life wandering from one peaceful building to the next. Something about their history and their stories as well as the effort that goes into them, whether its the art or the architecture or just the overall sense of spirit.
- I really hate asparagus and asparagus rolls are my idea of hell on earth (I’m really sorry Nana).
- Baking is one of my favourite things to do but I take any cooking failures extremely personally so the whole thing can be a bit love-hate.
- For 3 years I lived in Sydney, Australia and was lucky enough to call Manly Beach home. It’s a beautiful place and I can’t wait to go back some time soon.
Manly was one of those places almost too beautiful to ever appreciate properly. Image Credit
- I try to use contact lenses but ultimately I’m too lazy and cbf putting them in every morning. Also my nails make taking them out even worse then trying to force them on my eyeballs. Its a mission that I just don’t care enough to bother with.
- My parents divorced when I was one year old and I find it super weird to think of my mum and dad together.
- I have always wanted to write fiction and I really hope that one day I can motivate myself to do so.
- Coke over pepsi. Always.
- I am extremely clumsy and always have been. I would always come home looking like I had been in a fight but it was usually just a fight between me and the concrete floor (or a glass door).
- When I was a child I wanted to open up an animal shelter in my home and even had drawn out floor plans of how it would all work in a giant house I was somehow going to obtain. It was a little strange but the good intent was there.
- I’m a terrible gambler. Don’t take me to the casino because we will all end up regretting it.
- I make daily to-do lists to help my chaotic mind in order. It works, sometimes.
- My favourite holiday is Christmas and it makes me go a little crazy. Okay, a lot crazy. Bonus fact – my favourite Christmas movie is Elf.
- If I had to choose one makeup item to use forever it would be a lipstick. I love bold bright colours, but if I could only have one it would by Ruby Woo by MAC.
- My favourite ice cream flavour it orange chocolate chip. Hands down, for life. Summer in a cone.
- I have a terrible tendency to sign up to things for free trials and then end up signed up for life because I am too lazy to figure out how to terminate my subscriptions.
- I played the flute throughout Intermediate and High School but am now trying to learn the guitar. Its not going so great.
- My favourite family summer spot is Hot Water Beach on the coromandel (as well as nearby Hahei). Its our yearly family getaway and I couldn’t choose anywhere better.
- The first chapter book I ever read was Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox.
- I am yet another art history nerd and my favourite artist is J.M.W Turner (but there are so many who I love).
- I would love to work with kids, either as a teacher or psychologist.
- I have been married for two years and been with my husband since I was in 5th form (around 9 years ago).
- I’m allergic to seafood but the allergy only developed around 4 years ago (I didn’t even know that was possible).
- America’s next top model is my guilty pleasure and I have watched every single episode, sometimes twice. It’s not something I’m proud of.
- I have two fox soft toys. One is 20 years old (Cedric) and the other is 1 year old (Basil).
- Sticky date pudding is the best desert ever (especially when smothered in caramel sauce), closely followed by creme brûlée.
- My favourite comfort food is a big steaming bowl of tomato pasta covered in cheese. All of the cheese.
- Merlin is my furbaby. We adopted him on 1 Jan this year and he’s now 5 months old. Feast your eyes on his cuteness, you know you want to.
I cannot deal with his cuteness.
- Dual citizen, woo! (NZ and Australia)
- I am not a sports person in general but love watching tennis and would love to learn to play but am too uncoordinated to ever be any good.
- I don’t like white chocolate (except for Milky Bars, cause there is something special about those). Don’t even get me started on white chocolate brownies.
- My favourite word is Echo and I have no idea why.
- My favourite movies are Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Fall. Don’t make me choose.
- I’m also a sucker for disney movies (Disney night anyone?) with my favourite being Beauty and the Beast.
- I have a Bachelor of Science (majors in Psychology and Biology) and a Bachelor of Arts (Major in Art History). I really want to go back and do more (but without the poor student..)
- I hated blue cheese for most of my life but in the last year or two have realised how it is actually the BEST CHEESE EVER.
- I had a big crush on Elijah Wood when Lord of the Rings came out (and I was around 12/13). Like an obsessive crush. Creepy level crush. I even had a movie cut out of him (its super weird, I’m so sorry).
- I’m not the best with crowds. Sometimes I’m late to work because I try and avoid the crowded elevators and end up letting several go up before eventually getting in and trying to hold by breath for 7 floors. Its weird (a lot of my facts seem to be weird, I should probably have chosen more carefully).
- I spent ages trying to come up with a fact good enough to finish on and found it the hardest part of the entire tag. Does that count as a fact? It does now.
I’m probably the last person to do this but if you haven’t yet, then I tag you! Go forth and share 50 random facts that are probably a little too revealing about how strange you are as a person (you did such a great job of hiding it up until now).
http://lenatalksbeauty.wordpress.com Lena Talks Beauty
http://myfoxycorner.wordpress.com myfoxycorner
http://www.memoirsofagaijin.com Francesca
http://myfoxycorner.wordpress.com myfoxycorner
http://www.facebook.com/784975036 Christel Hansen
http://myfoxycorner.wordpress.com myfoxycorner
http://reallifeauckland.com reallifeauckland
http://myfoxycorner.wordpress.com myfoxycorner
http://gravatar.com/beautylustnz Beauty Lust
http://myfoxycorner.wordpress.com myfoxycorner
http://danslechamp.wordpress.com tallulahcardno
http://lipsnberries.com Nishu