Oh hey you, how’s your last month been? I know it seems like it’s been a while and it has, but I think I’m back now so if you want to leave a comment letting me know what you’ve been up to then please do.
What better way to touch base with this little space than to do another Taking Stock.
Making: A crochet blanket for my little adorable niece who turns one in October. See the end of this post for a wee sneak peek (it’s coming along rather slowly…)
Cooking: The same old vegetarian dishes, looking to spice it up with some new spring flavours.
Drinking : Tuatara’s APA because it is one of my favourite beers. That and coffee, as always.
Reading: Too much all at once. I need to stop having three books on the go, it can get a little confusing.
Wanting: A puppy, more kittens and some chickens (and simultaneously being aware that we don’t live on a farm…yet).
Looking: For a new flatmate to join our little flat family. The search might be over but I can’t get over how tiring the process has been to find someone.
Playing: Boardgames! Game nights are my new favourite way to socialise.
Deciding: On next year, and committing to a future that it exciting but terrifying but also really awesome. Feeling incredibly positive now that I have made that first step.
Wishing: That we had the money to buy a big house with a big garden without leaving Auckland, I love it here.
Enjoying: A bit of a break from blogging and long relaxing baths.
Waiting: For Christmas season; I know, I’m sorry.
Liking: The early morning cuddles with Merlin.
Wondering: About what life would be like on other planets (too much Star Trek and Sci-Fi). Also how long has it been since I went to the gym :-/ Too long I think you will find to be the answer.
Loving: The new album from Phoenix Foundation, even though I thought it was a bit strange to begin with.
Pondering: The future and all that usual stuff. When will we have kids, where will we end up living, what will life be like.
Considering: Gradually going vegan, the only barrier at the moment is my reliance on cheese!
Watching: So much Bachelor/Bachelor in Paradise/Bachelor Pad. Seriously, it’s become an issue since I discovered all of these other shows within the rather disturbing Bachelor universe. Send help.
Hoping: That I might be coming out the end of a pretty difficult couple of months where I’ve struggled a lot, not with anything in particular but just with my own mental health.
Marvelling: At the speed at which cookies can be demolished.
Needing: A little bit more me time. As much as I love how social my life has become in the last couple of years I keep forgetting to step back sometimes and have a bit of a break.
Smelling: Fresh flowers that we picked up this morning on a coffee and pastry run, Sunday’s are pretty great.
Wearing: Not enough warm clothes for the chilly weather we are still getting.
Following: The Daily Raw on Instagram, her feed induces all kinds of vegan food cravings.
Noticing: How much Edd does for me, especially when I am struggling.
Knowing: That I am so incredibly lucky for my family, friends and my husband.
Thinking: About how I can rearrange my days so that they involve more reading time.
Admiring: Laura because she is seriously stunning.
Sorting: Out our kitchen! It’s been so satisfying going through our cupboards and drawers, fridge and pantry and throwing out a bunch of things to make it less cluttered before we get a new flatmate.
Buying: My first ever pot plant, Jim, who is not doing so great but better not die on me.
Getting: A little desperate to do some kind of travel, even if it’s just within New Zealand.
Bookmarking: Recipes with Haloumi. As I said, going vegan will be a big challenge.
Disliking: Negative self thoughts that make functioning harder that it needs to be.
Opening: A jar of Fix & Fogg’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter, excuse me while I eat this stuff by the spoonfull.
Giggling: Whilst playing Cards against Humanity, usually whilst tears pour out of my eyes. Its a good time.
Feeling: So many things; Sad, Grateful, Worried, Insecure, Excited, Tired, Curious, etc etc.
Snacking: On sweet and salty popcorn, I’m addicted to the stuff.
Coveting: A new iPhone, but I know it will be a while before I upgrade.
Helping: My little 13 year old brother with his market stall at the Howick Kid’s Market, and buying all the books at said market.
Hearing: People get excited about Spring and Summer, and warmer weather, and late nights with sunshine and barbecues. I think we are ready for Auckland to change things up.
What has your month looked like so far?