Posts Tagged ‘taking stock’

Taking Stock | September

Taking Stock September

Oh hey you, how’s your last month been? I know it seems like it’s been a while and it has, but I think I’m back now so if you want to leave a comment letting me know what you’ve been up to then please do.

What better way to touch base with this little space than to do another Taking Stock.
Taking Stock September myfoxycorner

Making: A crochet blanket for my little adorable niece who turns one in October. See the end of this post for a wee sneak peek (it’s coming along rather slowly…)
Cooking: The same old vegetarian dishes, looking to spice it up with some new spring flavours.
Drinking : Tuatara’s APA because it is one of my favourite beers. That and coffee, as always.
Reading: Too much all at once. I need to stop having three books on the go, it can get a little confusing.
Wanting: A puppy, more kittens and some chickens (and simultaneously being aware that we don’t live on a farm…yet).
Looking: For a new flatmate to join our little flat family. The search might be over but I can’t get over how tiring the process has been to find someone.
Playing: Boardgames! Game nights are my new favourite way to socialise.
Deciding: On next year, and committing to a future that it exciting but terrifying but also really awesome. Feeling incredibly positive now that I have made that first step.
Wishing: That we had the money to buy a big house with a big garden without leaving Auckland, I love it here.
Enjoying: A bit of a break from blogging and long relaxing baths.
Waiting: For Christmas season; I know, I’m sorry.
Liking: The early morning cuddles with Merlin.
Wondering: About what life would be like on other planets (too much Star Trek and Sci-Fi). Also how long has it been since I went to the gym :-/ Too long I think you will find to be the answer.
Loving: The new album from Phoenix Foundation, even though I thought it was a bit strange to begin with.
Pondering: The future and all that usual stuff. When will we have kids, where will we end up living, what will life be like.
Considering: Gradually going vegan, the only barrier at the moment is my reliance on cheese!
Watching: So much Bachelor/Bachelor in Paradise/Bachelor Pad. Seriously, it’s become an issue since I discovered all of these other shows within the rather disturbing Bachelor universe. Send help.
Hoping: That I might be coming out the end of a pretty difficult couple of months where I’ve struggled a lot, not with anything in particular but just with my own mental health.
Marvelling: At the speed at which cookies can be demolished.
Needing: A little bit more me time. As much as I love how social my life has become in the last couple of years I keep forgetting to step back sometimes and have a bit of a break.
Smelling: Fresh flowers that we picked up this morning on a coffee and pastry run, Sunday’s are pretty great.
Wearing: Not enough warm clothes for the chilly weather we are still getting.
Following: The Daily Raw on Instagram, her feed induces all kinds of vegan food cravings.
Noticing: How much Edd does for me, especially when I am struggling.
Knowing: That I am so incredibly lucky for my family, friends and my husband.
Thinking: About how I can rearrange my days so that they involve more reading time.
Admiring: Laura because she is seriously stunning.
Sorting: Out our kitchen! It’s been so satisfying going through our cupboards and drawers, fridge and pantry and throwing out a bunch of things to make it less cluttered before we get a new flatmate.
Buying: My first ever pot plant, Jim, who is not doing so great but better not die on me.
Getting: A little desperate to do some kind of travel, even if it’s just within New Zealand.
Bookmarking: Recipes with Haloumi. As I said, going vegan will be a big challenge.
Disliking: Negative self thoughts that make functioning harder that it needs to be.
Opening: A jar of Fix & Fogg’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter, excuse me while I eat this stuff by the spoonfull.
Giggling: Whilst playing Cards against Humanity, usually whilst tears pour out of my eyes. Its a good time.
Feeling: So many things; Sad, Grateful, Worried, Insecure, Excited, Tired, Curious, etc etc.
Snacking: On sweet and salty popcorn, I’m addicted to the stuff.
Coveting: A new iPhone, but I know it will be a while before I upgrade.
Helping: My little 13 year old brother with his market stall at the Howick Kid’s Market, and buying all the books at said market.
Hearing: People get excited about Spring and Summer, and warmer weather, and late nights with sunshine and barbecues. I think we are ready for Auckland to change things up.

Crochet myfoxycorner

The start of my blanket, not typical baby colours but I rather love it.

What has your month looked like so far?

Taking Stock | April 2015

It’s been a fair few months since my last Taking Stock post, and I felt like doing one again :) If you want to join in go and grab the blank list over on Pip’s blog. This year is going so quickly and I almost feel like if I sit down and focus on the following list it’s like I am holding on to this moment in time, like sand slipping through my fingers. So lets sit and ponder, shall we?

Taking Stock April

Making : Lists, everyday, to try and help me keep priorities in order and make my mind less chaotic (I’m one of those people who in the middle of the night won’t be able to sleep because I will be listing things on my fingers that need to be done, this is much less stressful if I can just write it down and leave it til morning)
Cooking : Chickpea, tomato and coconut curry. Real yum
Drinking : Lemon, ginger and honey with hot water. Have started doing this almost daily and loving it (plus hoping it will ward off my cold that I feel approaching)
Reading: A book called the Biology of Belief, challenges my mind which is good
Wanting: Another cat so that Merlin can have a little friend to play with
Looking: For ways to make my home more beautiful
Playing: Minecraft, Mr 7 is teaching me how (I’m a slow learner it turns out)
Deciding: Which gym classes to go to during the week
Wishing: That there were more hours in a day, more days in the year, more years in my life. If I could just have a couple of lifetimes to live out all the different dreams I have, that would be swell
Enjoying: The moment
Waiting: To see what happens with my job and the future
Liking: The possibilities each day holds
Wondering: What other people would say are their main values in life, and wondering what mine are or should be
Loving: My family and my Merlin, even when he brings in the biggest insects he can find and lets them loose in the house (minus several legs)
Pondering: The ways to make my life the way I want it
Considering: Taking up sign language classes
Buying: All the necessary things to start learning to crochet, wish me luck!
Watching: Community and remembering how funny and clever the first couple of seasons are (Troy and Abed 4eva <3)
Hoping: That I can make some time to bake again soon, its been to long!
Marvelling: At how the different people I know are all so different and have such amazing qualities, I have so much I can learn from others
Cringing: At some of the things I say. This is why I tend to just keep my mouth shut around people I am not close with
Needing: To learn how to just be me and appreciate that I am not everyone’s cup of tea (and that’s okay)
Questioning: How I can make myself more of a priority
Smelling: French pear, oh Ecoya, your candles will break my wallet some day
Wearing: My new Fitbit! Its the best thing. The best.
Following: along with the New Zealand Bachelor, and only feeling slightly embarrassed at how much I enjoy it. We all have our escapes, right?
Noticing: How much better I feel after a good night’s sleep
Knowing: That I need to make some changes to my exercise routine
Thinking: How lucky I am to have my husband going through life by my side
Admiring: People who seem to have it all figured out. And also Edd who is learning to drive and doing such an amazing job, despite having a crazy “supervisor” who would drive even the most patient learner insane. I’m really sorry x
Sorting: All my clothes, donated a whole bag of things I had been hanging on to for no real reason, and it felt amazing
Getting: A little more organised, day by day
Bookmarking: These finger tattoos that are totally hipster but I still really love them
Coveting: perfect skin. Is that a thing you can covet? If so I definitely covet it :-/
Disliking: Spinach leaves in smoothies. I am still figuring out the best way to disguise the taste
Opening: My diary more often. Turns out that having a diary is only really useful when you occasionally look at it…
Giggling: often, I’m blessed to live with some incredibly funny and weird flatmates
Feeling: Optimistic for the future and content with the present. The past can just stay where it belongs for now 😛
Snacking: Less, and generally succeeding (there is chocolate by my bed from Easter that I haven’t even devoured yet and I feel like this is a big thing)
Wishing: That I felt confident in my health and could trust that I am not going to get sick again soon
Helping: A good friend move in to her new flat after a two month trip to South America (and only feeling slightly envious of her amazing trip, okay a lot envious)
Hearing: new albums from Spotify, like the latest release by DeathCab which I fell in love with after the first listen.


Leave a comment if you do a post like this or something similar, I think its such a nice way to just consider the different things all going on.


Taking Stock | November

I found this through Laura and kind of loved the idea. So lets not commit to anything too over-eagerly, but my thought process is that if I like doing this then I might attempt it monthly. But don’t expect it, just be pleasantly surprised if I follow through. Deal?


So just in case you were wondering what goes on inside my head (its a pretty weird and yet boring place):

  • Making : my chocolate cupcakes with the intent of sharing (but mainly just for eating)
  • Cooking : vegetarian dishes for my new flatmates and realising that trying new things is fun and not scary.
  • Drinking : red wine, and too much of it. I would blame stress but honestly I just really like red wine and i’m not even a little bit sorry.
  • Reading: Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham, and loving it
  • Wanting: to buy all the kittens and fill my house with cat cuddles
  • Looking: for my brow zings. Everyday without it makes me that much more resentful that I inherited my parent’s lack of “knowing where all my sh*t is”
  • Deciding: what I will try and kindly manipulate my family into buying me for Christmas
  • Wishing: my health would improve without me having to put in any effort. Lazy, I know.
  • Enjoying: having full two whole day long weekends. I have always worked Sundays so this is a relatively new concept.
  • Waiting: for our gardener to email me. ITS BEEN AGES SINCE I ASKED YOU FOR THE BILL.
  • Liking: getting new responsibilities at work (I am always up for a challenge…until it gets to challenging and then I just freak out)
  • Wondering: how my flowers have stayed alive so long when my other ones died in 3 days. How does that work? (I’m not a gardener, not even a flower enthusiast, just pleasantly confused)
  • Loving: the new Alt-J album. Like, a lot. Like on repeat over and over. Too much.
  • Pondering: over what direction I want my blog to take, if any direction at all
  • Considering: signing up for A Beautiful Mess’ stationary subscription (Happy Mail), because its not that expensive and I know it will be totally amazing 
  • Watching: outlander on Lightbox, as well as rewatching The Office US because as much as I adore the UK one, Jim and Pam have my heart.
  • Hoping: that I can continue to try and make positive changes in my life and the way I live it.
  • Marvelling: at my sister and gorgeous baby niece. 
  • Needing: to meditate daily, send any useful links my way!
  • Smelling: the spring flowers in our garden, they give me hay fever but I don’t even mind that much
  • Wearing: printed leggings. So comfortable, like a bowl of my favourite pasta (which is why I have to wear them in the first place)
  • Following: too many people to keep up to date
  • Noticing: a number of incredible people around me who inspire, support and are just generally amazing
  • Knowing: that I need to change my attitude about a few things (easier said then done)
  • Thinking: about what my priorities are for the next 5 years
  • Admiring: my husbands photograhpy
  • Sorting: out the new flat 
  • Buying: the new edition of Frankie magazine
  • Getting: bills that I really wish I could just ignore
  • Bookmarking: these gorgeous desktop backgrounds from DesignLoveFest
  • Disliking: the fact that it has already been 4 months since our Europe trip. I miss a different city each day
  • Giggling: because my new flatmates are hilariously inappropriate
  • Feeling: optimistic for what’s ahead
  • Snacking: on this delicious and easy to make cornflake/mars bar slice from one of my favourite food blogs
  • Coveting: all the things but mainly this
  • Wishing: for more time in the day
  • Helping: not as many people as normal. Which feels weird but is helping me be in a healthier place
  • Hearing: birds in the morning, they are super noisy by the new bedroom! But I don’t mind too much

Thanks to Pip who has the blank list right here, all ready for you to go and take stock of your current life state!

Hope November is full of good things, and not too much early Christmas music (unless you love that in which case I wish you all the Christmas music in the world) x
