Posts Tagged ‘myfoxycorner’

101 things in 1001 days

101 things in 1001 days

101 things in 1001 days

101 things in 1001 days has a certain ring to it. After seeing many others do versions of this I couldn’t help but create one for myself. It’s like a 3 year long bucket list (well, slightly under 3 years) of things I would like to achieve or experience before August 22nd 2018. I have this really annoying ability to put off things I want to do indefinitely, so I’m hoping this might help.

To read more about the whole idea you can go here, and if you create one or have already created one please link it in the comments so I can read along!

101 things in 1001 days

1. Go to a wine, cheese and space night at Stardome
2. Write a completed short story or novel (if I’m feeling extra ambitious)
3. Learn some basic Japanese
4. Go to Japan
5. Travel to Melbourne
6. Road trip around the South Island with Edd
7. Read the first Harry Potter novel in French
8. Teach my first class of primary school students as a qualified teacher
9. Watch the first dirty dancing movie
10. Have a Harry Potter movie marathon weekend
11. Walk up Rangitoto Island
12. Do the Tongariro Crossing (without dying)
13. Blog for 7 days straight
14. Attend a wedding (hint-hint, someone get married pls)
15. Send a care package to someone I love
16. Learn to make crème brulee
17. Write a letter to myself to be opened on day 1001
18. Learn some basic coding
19. Compliment someone different every day for ten days
20. Ask 5 friends to suggest a book, and read them all
21. Take a photo of myself every week for a year
22. Write a list of 20 places want to visit and why
23. Write and illustrate a children’s book
24. Lose 20 kgs and keep it off
25. Go to Hobbiton
26. Do a 365 day photo challenge
27. Get my first tattoo
28. Learn to make homemade tomato relish
29. Spend a day without technology
30. Wake up early and watch a sunrise
31. Go Kayaking
32. Go one month without ordering take out
33. Go one week with daily meditation
34. Start a collection
35. Run a 5k
36. Make someone I love breakfast in bed
37. Give 5 ‘just because’ gifts
38. Do my first ever spin class
39. Brush up on my French
40. Spend a long weekend at Raglan
41. Watch an outdoors movie (e.g. at Silo Park)
42. Have one month where I exercise 5 days a week, each week
43. Complete a DIY/craft project from Pinterest
44. Learn 5 more cupcake recipes
45. Bake a loaf of homemade bread
46. Try something new with my hair
47. Create a photo collage for someone special
48. Provide positive feedback about 5 separate people to their managers
49. Complete my graduate diploma in teaching primary school
50. Host a cocktail night
51. Try 5 new cocktails
52. Create a budget
53. Put together a collection for Woman’s refuge
54. Complete a medical test I have been putting off for forever
55. Write a letter for my future child (the cornier, the better)
56. Plan and execute a bachelor style date day
57. Create a canvas painting
58. Write a “if anything ever happens to me” letter
59. Go on a picnic
60. Watch the sunset out West at the beach
61. Start a house deposit savings account
62. Visit a famous landmark that I’ve never seen before
63. Spend a winter weekend at a cosy bed and breakfast
64. Read 10 classic novels
65. Take 101 photos with my instax camera
66. Buy a guitar
67. Host a big 25th Birthday celebration
68. Save $10 per month for a fun reward at the end of this project
69. Go to 5 concerts
70. Conquer a fear
71. Read a book in a day
72. Grow a plant from seed
73. Watch a movie that was made the year I was born (1991)
74. Make my own blend of tea
75. Host a high tea
76. Memorise 5 poems
77. Write a 100 things that make me happy list
78. Watch at least one season of Gilmore Girls
79. Go Vegan for 1 month
80. Buy myself a massage
81. Send flowers to someone
82. Go camping (a big deal for me as I have an irrational fear of camping)
83. Read the Chronicles of Narnia series
84. Host a fondue night
85. Give a piece of furniture a DIY makeover
86. Go fruit picking
87. Do a guest post for someone
88. Try 10 new restaurants
89. Start a new tradition
90. Reconnect with someone
91. Donate to 10 different charities
92. Create a master list of meals we love to have on the fridge for inspiration
93. Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia
94. Start a new blog series
95. Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me
96. Complete a 30 day yoga challenge
97. Buy myself a beautiful watch
98. Make a set of handmade greeting cards
99. Have an animal encounter at the zoo (I’m thinking red panda or otter, but I’m pretty flexible)
100. Read a book with more than 700 pages
101. Write 101 things to do for the following 1001 days

Wish me luck, I already have a few of these in the back of my mind to tick off soon! And if you wish to volunteer to do fondue night with me, or help me watch Gilmore Girls then let me know.

I’ll post updates every now and again, and possibly blog about one single item if it turns out to be interesting enough.

Hope everyone’s week is full of caffeine and smiles and all that good stuff


Friday’s Letters: Moving right along

Friday's Letters myfoxycornerDear Blog: Sorry for being a pretty shit blogger over the last few months. It’s been really good having another break, and it co-incided with a ridiculously busy time at work. I have to learn how to prioritize at some stage I guess! No guarantees for the future, but for now I am happy to be back to having a place to ramble.

Dear Edd: It’s so easy to take you for granted after 10 years of being around each other. So I’m apologizing in advance for each time I do this in the future, and also promising to try harder not to do so. Also we were pretty adorable at school. And I think we’re still pretty adorable now.

Dear Tofu: I’m getting pretty damn good at cooking you in new and delicious ways. Just call me the humble tofu master.

Dear Justin B: I don’t know what has happened and why I keep playing your song on repeat, but it’s more than a little worrying.

Dear Auckland Stardome: You were the perfect venue for a Christmas work function, well perfect for the aspirational space cadets like myself. I plan to be back to soak up all the incredible information but with less alcohol blurring my brain cells. I may bring some children with me. You’ve been warned.

Dear Ugly Christmas Jumper: I need you in my life. Along with every other Christmas related item I come across. (Note – after writing this I then impulse bought two Christmas jumpers for myself plus one for Edd jumpers so, yeah. No self control at Christmas time).

Dear Merlin: I’ve accidentally trained you to expect treats every time you jump on the bed and it’s getting a little out of control. How will I ever have kids if I can’t even manage your own simple expectations :/

Dear Coffee: I went one day without you and it was one day too long. Sorry for even trying.

Dear Contact Centre: I hope none of you have been reading by blog cause that would be a bit awkward, but you guys have been such an amazing place to work, and announcing today that I would be leaving your noisy confines was a pretty sad event. And yet I still can’t shake the incredible excitement I feel for next year. I am so excited. Almost as excited as I am for Christmas. Time for some change!



My Happy Places

myhappyplaces myfoxycorner1. A cosy cafe with a coffee and a friend (or two), or maybe just with a bloody good book

2. Between warm sheets in bed when I realise that I don’t have to get up yet and can savour another hour before facing the day

3. Deep in the Waitakeres discovering Waterfalls and exploring hidden tracks

4. Old bookshops with musty smells and grumpy owners (and health and safety hazards)

5. On the street walking through places I’ve never seen before (probably getting lost but I’ll deal with that later)

6. By the ocean with sand between my toes and a book in my hands

7. At home by myself with a list of tasks to complete and no one to distract me

8. At the movies with a hand to hold, popcorn to snack on and a movie on the big screen

9. On the floor playing with Merlin, gaining wounds on my arms, and spotting all the places I’ve forgotten to vacuum

10. In the country where the City is just a hazy memory and deadlines are non-existent

11. A quiet supermarket where I can browse slowly and discover new products (whilst sampling the grapes to make sure they taste okay..)

12. In the car with music playing loud enough to drown out my singing and no where to go in a hurry

13. With my brothers listening to them and their amazing view of the world, remembering how lucky I am to be part of such an incredible family

14. In the kitchen with fresh ingredients, a made-up recipe and eager mouths to feed

15. With family at a big barbecue full of laughter, food and love

16. On the couch with a cup of fresh tea and a brand new magazine to leaf through

17. At local restaurants where the menu is known by heart, the service is friendly (but not too friendly) and the food is always perfect

18. Up Mt Eden with Auckland laid out before me and the sun warming our skin

19. With friends, where ever that may be, sharing our thoughts and laughing til we hurt

20. Eating bagels on our little deck at our little blue table with the sun shining down and hot coffee to the side

I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness lately. During a time of so much pain and sorrow, sometimes happiness can be a struggle to cling to. And yet cling to it I do.

Something I find really useful is putting more time into recognizing what makes me happy. Where do I feel happy? Who helps me be a happier person? Doing that has made it easier to prioritize what and who I want to put my energy into.

I can’t even put into words how grateful I am that I am in a place where happiness can be a concern. Where my biggest issue of the day is how I will drink enough caffeine whilst not leaving my desk. Where my struggle is how to not snack on every sugary thing in sight. Where the people who surround me are all happy and healthy themselves.

No more than now do I get that reality shock, and that reminder to never take my life for granted. So this list of happy places is a perfect way for me to recognize some of the things that I am lucky enough to experience on a frequent basis.

Where are your happy places?

Me feeling all those happy grateful feelings and remembering not to keep my eyes closed in every photo

Me feeling all those happy grateful feelings and remembering not to keep my eyes closed in every photo

Taking Stock | September

Taking Stock September

Oh hey you, how’s your last month been? I know it seems like it’s been a while and it has, but I think I’m back now so if you want to leave a comment letting me know what you’ve been up to then please do.

What better way to touch base with this little space than to do another Taking Stock.
Taking Stock September myfoxycorner

Making: A crochet blanket for my little adorable niece who turns one in October. See the end of this post for a wee sneak peek (it’s coming along rather slowly…)
Cooking: The same old vegetarian dishes, looking to spice it up with some new spring flavours.
Drinking : Tuatara’s APA because it is one of my favourite beers. That and coffee, as always.
Reading: Too much all at once. I need to stop having three books on the go, it can get a little confusing.
Wanting: A puppy, more kittens and some chickens (and simultaneously being aware that we don’t live on a farm…yet).
Looking: For a new flatmate to join our little flat family. The search might be over but I can’t get over how tiring the process has been to find someone.
Playing: Boardgames! Game nights are my new favourite way to socialise.
Deciding: On next year, and committing to a future that it exciting but terrifying but also really awesome. Feeling incredibly positive now that I have made that first step.
Wishing: That we had the money to buy a big house with a big garden without leaving Auckland, I love it here.
Enjoying: A bit of a break from blogging and long relaxing baths.
Waiting: For Christmas season; I know, I’m sorry.
Liking: The early morning cuddles with Merlin.
Wondering: About what life would be like on other planets (too much Star Trek and Sci-Fi). Also how long has it been since I went to the gym :-/ Too long I think you will find to be the answer.
Loving: The new album from Phoenix Foundation, even though I thought it was a bit strange to begin with.
Pondering: The future and all that usual stuff. When will we have kids, where will we end up living, what will life be like.
Considering: Gradually going vegan, the only barrier at the moment is my reliance on cheese!
Watching: So much Bachelor/Bachelor in Paradise/Bachelor Pad. Seriously, it’s become an issue since I discovered all of these other shows within the rather disturbing Bachelor universe. Send help.
Hoping: That I might be coming out the end of a pretty difficult couple of months where I’ve struggled a lot, not with anything in particular but just with my own mental health.
Marvelling: At the speed at which cookies can be demolished.
Needing: A little bit more me time. As much as I love how social my life has become in the last couple of years I keep forgetting to step back sometimes and have a bit of a break.
Smelling: Fresh flowers that we picked up this morning on a coffee and pastry run, Sunday’s are pretty great.
Wearing: Not enough warm clothes for the chilly weather we are still getting.
Following: The Daily Raw on Instagram, her feed induces all kinds of vegan food cravings.
Noticing: How much Edd does for me, especially when I am struggling.
Knowing: That I am so incredibly lucky for my family, friends and my husband.
Thinking: About how I can rearrange my days so that they involve more reading time.
Admiring: Laura because she is seriously stunning.
Sorting: Out our kitchen! It’s been so satisfying going through our cupboards and drawers, fridge and pantry and throwing out a bunch of things to make it less cluttered before we get a new flatmate.
Buying: My first ever pot plant, Jim, who is not doing so great but better not die on me.
Getting: A little desperate to do some kind of travel, even if it’s just within New Zealand.
Bookmarking: Recipes with Haloumi. As I said, going vegan will be a big challenge.
Disliking: Negative self thoughts that make functioning harder that it needs to be.
Opening: A jar of Fix & Fogg’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter, excuse me while I eat this stuff by the spoonfull.
Giggling: Whilst playing Cards against Humanity, usually whilst tears pour out of my eyes. Its a good time.
Feeling: So many things; Sad, Grateful, Worried, Insecure, Excited, Tired, Curious, etc etc.
Snacking: On sweet and salty popcorn, I’m addicted to the stuff.
Coveting: A new iPhone, but I know it will be a while before I upgrade.
Helping: My little 13 year old brother with his market stall at the Howick Kid’s Market, and buying all the books at said market.
Hearing: People get excited about Spring and Summer, and warmer weather, and late nights with sunshine and barbecues. I think we are ready for Auckland to change things up.

Crochet myfoxycorner

The start of my blanket, not typical baby colours but I rather love it.

What has your month looked like so far?

A Belated Foxy Book Challenge Update #11-17

My foxy reading challenge

I’ve been a once a week blogger lately, with distractions such as trying to find a flatmate who’s not a crazy psycho (only room for one in this house – me); winter finally get the best of me with a good old fashioned almost flu but not flu enough to take time off work;  and other stuff that I’m sure seemed important at the time.

So instead of my usual few books there are 7, good news is that I am up to date with my book challenge over on Goodreads (read 30 books this year which doesn’t seem like much but was a goal that seemed feasible at the time). There’s a few good’uns for you to chuck on your “to read” list!

**Disclaimer: All the books with wee little * beside them were gifted to me by Hachette NZ, an awesome publishing company who ask nothing in return. Some of the books they send turn out to be my favourites ever, and others fall a bit flat (some I don’t even read), but the fact that they are gifted in no way affect my opinions. Anyway, on to the good stuff!

My foxy reading challenge

  1. Day Shift by Charlaine Harris*
    Okay full disclosure, I read this without at any point realizing that I was reading the second book in a series. So when I critique it for being a little hard to keep up with, with characters that didn’t seem to have great introductions and a story that felt lacking in set up I say it knowing full well that those things are all my fault. Overall it was an enjoyable read despite me being an idiot, Charlaine Harris does a good job in the fantasy-mystery genre, and its pretty light reading which is always nice for a change. 3 Stars (but it may well deserve more).
  2. Church of Marvels by Leslie Parry*
    This is one that you should put on your reading list now. I did a full review over here (cause it was that good) but long story short its a fantastic novel set in 1920s New York with a cast of memorable characters and a trail of different story lines that all tie in together. Wasn’t expecting to love this one but love it I did (and you may well too). 5 stars
  3. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
    I’ve been loving the Outlander series over on Lightbox (and it’s not just those Scottish accents) and so when Edd got me the first novel to read for my birthday I wasn’t expecting to take 4 months to finish it. I’m generally quite a speedy ready (which is a surprisingly useless skill most of the time) but something about this book made it a little hard to get through. Nonetheless it was an enjoyable read, a little odd in places but great in others. I dunno, a little undecided to be honest and not sure yet whether I can commit to the rest of them. 3 stars
  4. Resistance is Futile by Jenny T Colgan*
    As the book itself proclaimed: Independence day meets Bridget Jones’ Diary…not what I would normally pick up for myself I must admit. This alienesque/maths nerd (and I say that lovingly) take on a rom-com read was actually pretty fun and easy to get through. I gave it only 3 stars because it just wasn’t my kind of book but it was enjoyable, and light-hearted although strange in places with a few funny characters and one of the weirdest “sex” scenes I think I’ve ever read. 3 stars.
  5. Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson*
    Best book of 2015 is already awarded to this Sci-fi novel by the author of the Mars series (which I am DESPERATE to read). Seriously this book was A++++, would read again. I rambled on about it a little while ago but long story short it’s amazing. The easiest 5 stars I have ever assigned to anything ever. 
  6. The Quality of Silence by Rosamund Lipton*
    Another great read that I was sent which is one I never would have selected! This novel was a psychological thriller/family drama set in the spookiest setting of Alaska where a Mother and her deaf daughter, Ruby, go in search of her Father who has gone missing. This was such an incredibly tense read, and a quick one too as I couldn’t wait long to find out what happened. Ruby was an incredibly likeable character, and the writing was done in the perfect way to keep you on the edge of your seat.  4 stars.
  7. Half Asleep in Frog Pyjamas by Tom Robins
    Dad told me that he would refuse to take on any of my book recommendations until I read something by one of his favourite authors, Tom Robins (not the same as Tony Robbins so don’t get them confused). I I grabbed this one from his shelf and gave it a shot and it was … okay?? Tom Robins has an incredibly humorous way of writing and is far wittier than I could ever dream to be, so 5 stars for that. The reasons I didn’t really enjoy this that much were as follows: the setting was a stock market crash in the US which holds zero interest to me; it was centred around a character who I kind of ended up hating; and it was written in second person (you did this, you said that etc) which whilst genius and incredibly unique was a little weird and off-putting at times. I will happily read another one by him but maybe choose a little more carefully. 3 stars (sorry dad, I promise I tried).

So there you go, some great (some incredibly great) and some not so great. What have you read lately?

Vegan Chilli Sin Carne Recipe

Vegan Chill Recipe myfoxycorner

Vegan Chill Recipe myfoxycorner

Today I wanted to share with you one of my all-time favourite meals that just so happens to be vegan as well as full of nutrients and flavour. This Vegan Chilli Sin Carne (chilli without meat, but sounding way fancier) is one of the few dishes that Edd makes far superior to myself so I force him to make giant pots of the stuff that we can use all week for lunches, burritos, stuffed baked potatoes and more (I’m all for making one big meal that will go a long way).

Vegan Chilli Sin Carne Recipe

This chilli is just as flavoursome as the meat version, with a hint of smoked chipotle replacing the meaty flavour but keeping it rich and hearty. Packed with kidney beans, juicy corn and capsicums and the warm heat of chilli and bold, Mexican spices, this vegan chilli is perfection for winter where you want a bowl of filling soul food.

Ingredients Chilli Sin Carne Recipe Vegan Myfoxycorner

Vegan Chilli Sin Carne


  • 3 tsp cumin powder
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
  • dash of cinnamon powder (about 1/4 tsp)
  • 1 heaped tsp chopped garlic
  • 2 tsp chopped chilli
  • 1 brown onion diced
  • 1 Tbsp approx chipotle paste/sauce
  • 1 cup of veggie stock
  • 1 big carrot chopped
  • 1 red capsicum
  • 1/2 C sweetcorn
  • 1 can of kidney beans
  • 1 can chilli beans (e.g. Watties chilli beans which are basically kidney beans in a spicy tomato sauce)
  • 1 can chopped tomatoes
  • fresh coriander and avocado to serve
  • salt and pepper to taste
Vegan Chilli Sin Carne Recipe

This is a giant pot with double the recipe stated here: enough to feed a small army, or two of us for a week.

Method: Vegan Chilli Sin Carne

  1. Fry off the onion, garlic and then the spices in a little oil until onion is soft and the aroma of spices fill the house. Add the chipotle and chilli and fry briefly.
  2. Drain your can of plain kidney beans and if you want to echo the texture of mince, mash these up with a fork until they look suitable (this isn’t required but does thicken up the chilli a little more).
  3. Chuck in your beans, chilli beans, carrots, tomatoes, vegetable stock and simmer for around 15-20 minutes (or longer if you have time and patience to let the flavours develop and the texture thicken).
  4. Make sure you taste at this stage in case you need to add a little more chipotle, a tbsp of brown sugar to sweeten it up, a bit more chilli etc. I tend to taste so much during the cooking process that by the times it’s finished I’m no longer hungry (doesn’t stop me eating :-/)
  5. Add your capsicum and corn and continue to simmer at a medium heat for another 10-15 minutes. Again, the longer you can leave this to develop, the better (it’s one of those dishes that is even more delicious the next day).
  6. Season with salt and pepper to your preference.
  7. Serve this along with some ripe avocado (ours was a little too ripe), freshly torn coriander and enjoy over a bowl of rice, a baked potato, or thrown inside a burrito with some salad! You can top with sour cream and cheese for something a wee bit more indulgent (but no longer vegan), but I promise it’s just as mouth-wateringly tasty without it. We have been enjoying this with a brown rice and lentil combo, usually making a double batch so that we can keep some in the freezer.

Chilli Sin Carne Vegan Recipe

This might seem life there are a few steps but it’s actually a straightforward and easy recipe that just involves a little more patience than my usual 5 minute meals, I promise its all worth it.

The beauty of this dish is that its so flexible to your tastes (and what’s lurking in the cupboard waiting to be used). We’ve tried adding brown lentils to bulk it up and include extra protein and this works well however I recommend cooking the lentils separately before hand. We’ve played around with the spices, the types of beans, the veggies we chuck in and it all comes out pretty darn delicious.

Vegan Chilli Sin Carne Recipe

I used to eat chilli con carne all the time before becoming vegetarian, so nothing makes me happier than knowing that this delicious spicy stew is even better packed with beans and veggies (and its also an abundant source of protein, as well as a meal that includes all of essential amino acids). Pairing the rich dish with fresh avocado and coriander brings the whole thing to life so I definitely suggest including those (preferably when avocados don’t cost the same as a Starbucks coffee).

If I had to choose a favourite winter meal it would either be this vegan chilli or my easy Indian Dahl. Give this one a go and let me know what you think! Is there anything different that you like to add to your chilli?

Chilli Sin Carne Vegan Recipe  Myfoxycorner


A big thanks to Edd who cooks this vegan chilli for me way more than he should have to, and who also took these beautiful photos whilst I was out spending money on brunch.

Have an awesome week guys!


July in Review

July wrap up instagram myfoxycorner

August has arrived and slapped us all in the face with its warmer temperatures and proximity to Christmas (I know I am not the only one counting down the days guys). July was a month that flew by, and it was a weird month with some memories that I will hold forever (99% of it was probably pretty forgettable and spent watching countless Bachelorette episodes).

 The best thing: Getting out and exploring, trying new places and doing new things. It doesn’t happen often but when it does I always have so much fun.

The hardest thing: Being on a Jury for the first time (and hopefully the last).

One thing I learned: I’m a stronger person when I trust in myself and stop worrying about everyone else. Also learnt a bunch of facts about space because I got bored one day and decided to read up.

On the blog: I had a really cathartic experience writing this recent post on why growing up is so hard and confusing, it’s not often that I just let my thoughts out and worry about whether it makes sense later.

Goals for August: Improve my gym attendance and find a new flat mate (if you know anyone who loves cats, isn’t a dick and needs a room let me know..).

July on Instagram

  1. I crocheted my first scarf and Merlin was my model. It accidentally ended up looking like I belong in Gryffindor but to be honest I don’t even mind (despite being a Ravenclaw at heart).
  2. I also baked these salted caramel cupcakes and they continue to be a favourite. I still have a heap of left over caramel sauce in the fridge so throw me some ideas for what to do with it (other that eat some every time I go to get a vegetable, very dangerous).
  3. Edd and I went out to try and explore our back yard a little more, doing an incredible bush walk out in the Waitakeres. Well it was incredible until we had to climb up the side of a dam, luckily my many fears don’t include heights otherwise I might have been frozen half way up and never returned.
  4. After a great mums and bubs brunch club event I took Mr 7 to Butterfly Creek. This was about 1 second before I decided the butterfly was too close to my eyes and began to panic. Fun times.
  5. Slipping in a photo from Paris last year, because I don’t understand how a year has passed and why has no one invented a time machine yet.
  6. New favourite cafe spot located at Cosset in Mt Albert, a vegan/vegetarian heaven with pancakes that were delicious and coffee that was strong. Win.
  7. It wouldn’t be winter without a tree silhouette and an early sunset. Beautiful city.
  8. 90s party vibes, I even sourced a mood ring guys.
  9. Ended July by getting super sick in a very quick timeframe. So this is me celebrating the fact that at 5pm I finally dragged myself out of bed, mainly so that I could be closer to the heat pump.

What’s coming up?

August is a busy month, every one is having birthdays and get togethers, people are moving and changing jobs. Me; I’m staying in the same place, in the same job and just trying to enjoy each day. I have tickets to see Dylan Moran at the end of this month so that will be something I will look forward to each time I reach for the red wine!

And on that note… xxx


Music to my Ears #5

Music to my ears #5 myfoxycorner

The end of another week, one where much happened and I learnt lots. And all I want is a weekend where I do nothing but crochet with either tea or wine at arm’s reach, alas my time for doing nothing at all is pretty limited this weekend.

Funnily enough, I have been trying to get this post written all week and every time I listen to Florence and the Machine I think about how she is someone I would pay many many dollars to be able to see live. And then literally about half an hour before finishing this post (which was actually on Friday before I decided to procrastinate posting for 2 days) I found out she’s coming and pulled out my wallet rather enthusiastically (spilling coffee on myself in the process) before realizing the tickets don’t go up for a few days. I would link you to them but I don’t want you to steal my seat…sorry.

Music to my ears #5 myfoxycornerAnyway, on to three of the albums that I have been listening to a lot in the last couple of months (along with a rather random collection of hip hop). They all happen to be released this year, which means I am being surprisingly up to date (relative to my other music tastes which are almost always at least 10 years behind everyone else’s).
Florence and the machine

Florence and the Machine – How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (2015)

This album is theatrical, hystrionic and melodramatic, and yet somehow Florence makes it work. These songs are the ones you want to belt out to when driving around by yourself (ignore the weird looks from other drivers, you’re too good to bother with them). This album is 100% Florence, with her big vocals, story telling lyrics and powerful melodies, taken to a big, beautiful level. Maybe a reflection of my preferences, but some of my favourite moments on the album are the ones where it’s stripped down to her wavering voice and low-key backing music. Having said that, she shines brightest when she is shouting out the most beautiful, wailing lyrics against a theatre of drums and instruments, and she’s the only artist I know who can do this and be amazing. I love this album, and prefer it over Ceremonials (although Lungs will always hold the special place in my heart).

Songs: How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful; Queen of Peace; Delilah;  St Jude

ALabama Shakes

Alabama Shakes – Shakes, Sound & Colour

Not my usual musical choice, but this irresistable combination of soulful jazz vocals and rock and roll guitar riffs are something I find super enjoyable. This is a fun album, with spunk and character. The leads incredible voice is something special, shouting out barely audible lyrics one moment against an electronic psychedelic combination of instruments, and then intimately whispering the next. Raw and edgy, this album keeps me on my toes in a good way, and I appreciate any album that gets me out of my usual realm of quiet, unassuming acoustic tracks.

Songs: Dunes, Future People, Gimme all your love

sufjan 2

Sufjan Stevens – Carrie & Lowell

This is definitely the album I have listened to the most over the last couple of months. After discovering Sufjan Stevens I spent a while perusing his large collection of music, before deciding that his most recent was the one I connected with most. FIrst off, a warning; it’s not a fun listen (like either of the other two), and the more you get to know it the more that the music becomes some kind of morose sound track to a beautifully fragile life. The album is all about Sufjan coming to terms with the passing away of his mother, and their relationship. It’s painful, but so so beautiful. Each song feels stripped down to the basics, and it leaves Sufjan’s haunting voice to do a lot of the work. He’s incredible, like an angelic love child of Kings of Convenience, Bon Iver, and Ben Howard. Listen with a glass of red wine and plenty of tissues. Sorry.

Songs: Should Have Known Better, Fourth of July, John My Beloved, No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross

Enjoy the last few precious hours of the weekend! I’m going to spend it watching Honey I Shrunk the Kids (which somehow was skipped during my childhood) and eating Jaffas. Cause if you can’t be self-indulgent on a Sunday, when can you be?

Friday’s Letters: every city was a gift

Friday's Letters

0Dear Job Interviews: It’s so strange to sit on the other side of the table and I’m so grateful for the chance to learn and grow in this way (even if I do sometimes feel just as nervous as if it was me sitting there trying to hide how terrified I am).

Dear Florence: Thanks for releasing another ridiculously great album for me to belt out in the car. Sorry that my vocal range is 1/100th of yours and therefore your songs don’t even sound a little bit similar when they are coming out of my mouth (well sorrybutnotsorry).

Dear Incredibly Impressive Crocheted Scarf: I am way more proud of you than I should be (sorry to everyone else who I keep raving on to about it). What can I say except I normally screw things up in some way and yet you turned out great (accidently channelling Gryffindor but I’m not complaining). And just in time for some freezing weather, all in all, a pretty good effort.

Dear Friends: I don’t know how I got so lucky and ended up surrounded by so many different people and groups of friends. Even though you keep me busy, you also keep me sane (and very well-fed). I’m so appreciative of the different ways that each and every one of you make me a better person, and make life a more enjoyable place to exist within.

Dear Anah: I miss you and your chubby cheeks so damn much. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face everytime I see your adorable face. Here’s to many more playground dates where I try not to let you hurt yourself or eat dirt (also if your mum ever decides to move to Auckland so that I can see you more often that would be swell, just saying.)

Dear Chocolate: If you could just stop coming out in new and delicious flavours that I have to try (at least a few times to ensure reliability of the product) that would be great because at the moment my cupboard is full of different blocks to try and it’s driving me crazy.

Dear Auckland: Its been a year since I came home from Europe, and in that time I think I have been so preoccupied with missing those far-off cities that I had ignored the one at my front door. Thank you for being so amazing, even if sometimes I forget how lucky I am. I promise to put some more effort into our relationship and into discovering a few more of your hidden secrets.

Dear Self: Sometimes I think its important to just remind you that I forgive you. Everything we did wrong, everything we fucked up, every time we made a wrong decision or turn, hurt someone else without meaning to or hurt ourselves in ways that weren’t deserved. I forgive you for all this, and for all the mistakes we will make in the future. Go have some chocolate.

Dahl – Easy and Delicious, Vegan Winter Recipe

Easy Dahl Recipe


Dahl (or more specifically, Tarka Dahl) is just one of those dishes that changes slightly every time I make it. Sometimes its the spices that get chucked in, sometimes is the amount of water; I’m just not a very consistent or specific cook. This probably means I should steer away from posting recipes on myfoxycorner, but I have been wanting to share more of the vegetarian meals that we love, which tick the boxes health-wise but are also delicious enough to keep a meat-eater satisfied (at least for a night).


You know those meals that bring back vivid memories? Dahl will always take me back to my childhood, it was one of the few recipes my mum would make (after a stint in Fiji where she became pretty handy with the spices) and something that we could eat for days on end when there was no money for meat or fresh produce. Its a nourishing meal, in every sense of the word. This is the grown up version of budget eating for the poor adult student, or perfect winter meal for the hungry vegetarian, or the saviour for the exhausted mum with 4 kids with big appetites, or the perfect adventure for a meat free Monday. Its pretty great.

Dahl is wonderfully warming and ideal for these colder months. The subtle spices and rich lentils create a true comfort food, and its also easy, cheap and perfect as leftovers. This is definitely one vegan meal that ticks all the boxes. Okay, so my recipe probably (definitely) isn’t 100% authentic, but it’s a one pot wonder that is so low-fuss and delicious, I don’t even care).


Easy Almost-Indian Dahl (serves approx. 4 hungry flatmates).


  • 2 Cups of yellow (or red) lentils
  • 1x brown onion chopped finely
  • 2 tsp garlic
  • 2 tsp ginger
  • 1-2 tsp red chilli
  • 2 tomatoes, diced
  • 1L vegetable Stock or boiling water
  • 1 Tbsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • Fresh coriander
  • 1 lemon/lime



  1. Heat some oil in your pan/pot and fry off the onion until it softens on a high heat. Add in the garlic, ginger and spices and continue to fry for around a minute or 2, this releases the flavour of all the spices and is probably the most important step of any good curry.
  2. Lower the heat and add the lentils and the stock, along with the chilli, and leave until the lentils are completely cooked (approximately 20-30 minutes). You need to keep an eye on this and give it a stir every now and again, so don’t get distracted. It may look like a soupy mess, but the lentils are going to expand and soak up all that spicy stock, don’t even worry about it. Once the lentils are cooked, you can add a bit more water if you prefer your dahl a bit soupier, or leave it thickened. This is totally up to personal preference, I tend to like something in between a soup and a curry and add water as I go to get the perfect consistency.
  3. Add the tomatoes towards the end to prevent them completely disintegrating (like they did for me). You could also add frozen peas here if, like me, you have a pea problem and find a way to include them in every meal. I also add a generous squeeze of lemon juice (or lime) to add a little acidity and freshen it up.
  4. Lastly, add some fresh, chopped coriander and then serve either by itself or with cooked rice. You could also add some plain yoghurt (a delicious creamy contrast to the earthy, spiced lentils), but I wanted to keep this dairy free.
  5. Eat the dahl way too quickly and then wish you could eat more, but you can’t because you’re supposed to be taking it for leftovers tomorrow.


Lentils are a pretty amazing part of a vegetarian/vegan diet, so if I could just for one second put on my lentil appreciation hat…they’re are an amazing protein source (without all the fat and cholesterol of meat), contain heaps of fibre and are full of nutrients. The best thing about lentils is that they are ridiculously filling, but also really low in calories. Dahl is one very easy way to incorporate them into the diet, and it’s the perfect thing to try during the colder months when a spicy, warming curry becomes as attractive as Ryan Gosling in a cardigan.

Dahl will always be one of my favourite meals. It costs next to nothing and yet tastes like heaven. Also, for something that tastes so complex, it only needs around about half an hour to prepare (just don’t forget to cook your rice because you were too busy being proud of yourself for making a home-cooked dinner instead of getting burger fuel). Let me know if you give it a try!

What’s your go-to winter meal? 

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