Posts Tagged ‘#NZBloggers’

101 things in 1001 days

101 things in 1001 days

101 things in 1001 days

101 things in 1001 days has a certain ring to it. After seeing many others do versions of this I couldn’t help but create one for myself. It’s like a 3 year long bucket list (well, slightly under 3 years) of things I would like to achieve or experience before August 22nd 2018. I have this really annoying ability to put off things I want to do indefinitely, so I’m hoping this might help.

To read more about the whole idea you can go here, and if you create one or have already created one please link it in the comments so I can read along!

101 things in 1001 days

1. Go to a wine, cheese and space night at Stardome
2. Write a completed short story or novel (if I’m feeling extra ambitious)
3. Learn some basic Japanese
4. Go to Japan
5. Travel to Melbourne
6. Road trip around the South Island with Edd
7. Read the first Harry Potter novel in French
8. Teach my first class of primary school students as a qualified teacher
9. Watch the first dirty dancing movie
10. Have a Harry Potter movie marathon weekend
11. Walk up Rangitoto Island
12. Do the Tongariro Crossing (without dying)
13. Blog for 7 days straight
14. Attend a wedding (hint-hint, someone get married pls)
15. Send a care package to someone I love
16. Learn to make crème brulee
17. Write a letter to myself to be opened on day 1001
18. Learn some basic coding
19. Compliment someone different every day for ten days
20. Ask 5 friends to suggest a book, and read them all
21. Take a photo of myself every week for a year
22. Write a list of 20 places want to visit and why
23. Write and illustrate a children’s book
24. Lose 20 kgs and keep it off
25. Go to Hobbiton
26. Do a 365 day photo challenge
27. Get my first tattoo
28. Learn to make homemade tomato relish
29. Spend a day without technology
30. Wake up early and watch a sunrise
31. Go Kayaking
32. Go one month without ordering take out
33. Go one week with daily meditation
34. Start a collection
35. Run a 5k
36. Make someone I love breakfast in bed
37. Give 5 ‘just because’ gifts
38. Do my first ever spin class
39. Brush up on my French
40. Spend a long weekend at Raglan
41. Watch an outdoors movie (e.g. at Silo Park)
42. Have one month where I exercise 5 days a week, each week
43. Complete a DIY/craft project from Pinterest
44. Learn 5 more cupcake recipes
45. Bake a loaf of homemade bread
46. Try something new with my hair
47. Create a photo collage for someone special
48. Provide positive feedback about 5 separate people to their managers
49. Complete my graduate diploma in teaching primary school
50. Host a cocktail night
51. Try 5 new cocktails
52. Create a budget
53. Put together a collection for Woman’s refuge
54. Complete a medical test I have been putting off for forever
55. Write a letter for my future child (the cornier, the better)
56. Plan and execute a bachelor style date day
57. Create a canvas painting
58. Write a “if anything ever happens to me” letter
59. Go on a picnic
60. Watch the sunset out West at the beach
61. Start a house deposit savings account
62. Visit a famous landmark that I’ve never seen before
63. Spend a winter weekend at a cosy bed and breakfast
64. Read 10 classic novels
65. Take 101 photos with my instax camera
66. Buy a guitar
67. Host a big 25th Birthday celebration
68. Save $10 per month for a fun reward at the end of this project
69. Go to 5 concerts
70. Conquer a fear
71. Read a book in a day
72. Grow a plant from seed
73. Watch a movie that was made the year I was born (1991)
74. Make my own blend of tea
75. Host a high tea
76. Memorise 5 poems
77. Write a 100 things that make me happy list
78. Watch at least one season of Gilmore Girls
79. Go Vegan for 1 month
80. Buy myself a massage
81. Send flowers to someone
82. Go camping (a big deal for me as I have an irrational fear of camping)
83. Read the Chronicles of Narnia series
84. Host a fondue night
85. Give a piece of furniture a DIY makeover
86. Go fruit picking
87. Do a guest post for someone
88. Try 10 new restaurants
89. Start a new tradition
90. Reconnect with someone
91. Donate to 10 different charities
92. Create a master list of meals we love to have on the fridge for inspiration
93. Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia
94. Start a new blog series
95. Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me
96. Complete a 30 day yoga challenge
97. Buy myself a beautiful watch
98. Make a set of handmade greeting cards
99. Have an animal encounter at the zoo (I’m thinking red panda or otter, but I’m pretty flexible)
100. Read a book with more than 700 pages
101. Write 101 things to do for the following 1001 days

Wish me luck, I already have a few of these in the back of my mind to tick off soon! And if you wish to volunteer to do fondue night with me, or help me watch Gilmore Girls then let me know.

I’ll post updates every now and again, and possibly blog about one single item if it turns out to be interesting enough.

Hope everyone’s week is full of caffeine and smiles and all that good stuff


Friday’s Letters: Moving right along

Friday's Letters myfoxycornerDear Blog: Sorry for being a pretty shit blogger over the last few months. It’s been really good having another break, and it co-incided with a ridiculously busy time at work. I have to learn how to prioritize at some stage I guess! No guarantees for the future, but for now I am happy to be back to having a place to ramble.

Dear Edd: It’s so easy to take you for granted after 10 years of being around each other. So I’m apologizing in advance for each time I do this in the future, and also promising to try harder not to do so. Also we were pretty adorable at school. And I think we’re still pretty adorable now.

Dear Tofu: I’m getting pretty damn good at cooking you in new and delicious ways. Just call me the humble tofu master.

Dear Justin B: I don’t know what has happened and why I keep playing your song on repeat, but it’s more than a little worrying.

Dear Auckland Stardome: You were the perfect venue for a Christmas work function, well perfect for the aspirational space cadets like myself. I plan to be back to soak up all the incredible information but with less alcohol blurring my brain cells. I may bring some children with me. You’ve been warned.

Dear Ugly Christmas Jumper: I need you in my life. Along with every other Christmas related item I come across. (Note – after writing this I then impulse bought two Christmas jumpers for myself plus one for Edd jumpers so, yeah. No self control at Christmas time).

Dear Merlin: I’ve accidentally trained you to expect treats every time you jump on the bed and it’s getting a little out of control. How will I ever have kids if I can’t even manage your own simple expectations :/

Dear Coffee: I went one day without you and it was one day too long. Sorry for even trying.

Dear Contact Centre: I hope none of you have been reading by blog cause that would be a bit awkward, but you guys have been such an amazing place to work, and announcing today that I would be leaving your noisy confines was a pretty sad event. And yet I still can’t shake the incredible excitement I feel for next year. I am so excited. Almost as excited as I am for Christmas. Time for some change!



My Happy Places

myhappyplaces myfoxycorner1. A cosy cafe with a coffee and a friend (or two), or maybe just with a bloody good book

2. Between warm sheets in bed when I realise that I don’t have to get up yet and can savour another hour before facing the day

3. Deep in the Waitakeres discovering Waterfalls and exploring hidden tracks

4. Old bookshops with musty smells and grumpy owners (and health and safety hazards)

5. On the street walking through places I’ve never seen before (probably getting lost but I’ll deal with that later)

6. By the ocean with sand between my toes and a book in my hands

7. At home by myself with a list of tasks to complete and no one to distract me

8. At the movies with a hand to hold, popcorn to snack on and a movie on the big screen

9. On the floor playing with Merlin, gaining wounds on my arms, and spotting all the places I’ve forgotten to vacuum

10. In the country where the City is just a hazy memory and deadlines are non-existent

11. A quiet supermarket where I can browse slowly and discover new products (whilst sampling the grapes to make sure they taste okay..)

12. In the car with music playing loud enough to drown out my singing and no where to go in a hurry

13. With my brothers listening to them and their amazing view of the world, remembering how lucky I am to be part of such an incredible family

14. In the kitchen with fresh ingredients, a made-up recipe and eager mouths to feed

15. With family at a big barbecue full of laughter, food and love

16. On the couch with a cup of fresh tea and a brand new magazine to leaf through

17. At local restaurants where the menu is known by heart, the service is friendly (but not too friendly) and the food is always perfect

18. Up Mt Eden with Auckland laid out before me and the sun warming our skin

19. With friends, where ever that may be, sharing our thoughts and laughing til we hurt

20. Eating bagels on our little deck at our little blue table with the sun shining down and hot coffee to the side

I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness lately. During a time of so much pain and sorrow, sometimes happiness can be a struggle to cling to. And yet cling to it I do.

Something I find really useful is putting more time into recognizing what makes me happy. Where do I feel happy? Who helps me be a happier person? Doing that has made it easier to prioritize what and who I want to put my energy into.

I can’t even put into words how grateful I am that I am in a place where happiness can be a concern. Where my biggest issue of the day is how I will drink enough caffeine whilst not leaving my desk. Where my struggle is how to not snack on every sugary thing in sight. Where the people who surround me are all happy and healthy themselves.

No more than now do I get that reality shock, and that reminder to never take my life for granted. So this list of happy places is a perfect way for me to recognize some of the things that I am lucky enough to experience on a frequent basis.

Where are your happy places?

Me feeling all those happy grateful feelings and remembering not to keep my eyes closed in every photo

Me feeling all those happy grateful feelings and remembering not to keep my eyes closed in every photo

Taking Stock | September

Taking Stock September

Oh hey you, how’s your last month been? I know it seems like it’s been a while and it has, but I think I’m back now so if you want to leave a comment letting me know what you’ve been up to then please do.

What better way to touch base with this little space than to do another Taking Stock.
Taking Stock September myfoxycorner

Making: A crochet blanket for my little adorable niece who turns one in October. See the end of this post for a wee sneak peek (it’s coming along rather slowly…)
Cooking: The same old vegetarian dishes, looking to spice it up with some new spring flavours.
Drinking : Tuatara’s APA because it is one of my favourite beers. That and coffee, as always.
Reading: Too much all at once. I need to stop having three books on the go, it can get a little confusing.
Wanting: A puppy, more kittens and some chickens (and simultaneously being aware that we don’t live on a farm…yet).
Looking: For a new flatmate to join our little flat family. The search might be over but I can’t get over how tiring the process has been to find someone.
Playing: Boardgames! Game nights are my new favourite way to socialise.
Deciding: On next year, and committing to a future that it exciting but terrifying but also really awesome. Feeling incredibly positive now that I have made that first step.
Wishing: That we had the money to buy a big house with a big garden without leaving Auckland, I love it here.
Enjoying: A bit of a break from blogging and long relaxing baths.
Waiting: For Christmas season; I know, I’m sorry.
Liking: The early morning cuddles with Merlin.
Wondering: About what life would be like on other planets (too much Star Trek and Sci-Fi). Also how long has it been since I went to the gym :-/ Too long I think you will find to be the answer.
Loving: The new album from Phoenix Foundation, even though I thought it was a bit strange to begin with.
Pondering: The future and all that usual stuff. When will we have kids, where will we end up living, what will life be like.
Considering: Gradually going vegan, the only barrier at the moment is my reliance on cheese!
Watching: So much Bachelor/Bachelor in Paradise/Bachelor Pad. Seriously, it’s become an issue since I discovered all of these other shows within the rather disturbing Bachelor universe. Send help.
Hoping: That I might be coming out the end of a pretty difficult couple of months where I’ve struggled a lot, not with anything in particular but just with my own mental health.
Marvelling: At the speed at which cookies can be demolished.
Needing: A little bit more me time. As much as I love how social my life has become in the last couple of years I keep forgetting to step back sometimes and have a bit of a break.
Smelling: Fresh flowers that we picked up this morning on a coffee and pastry run, Sunday’s are pretty great.
Wearing: Not enough warm clothes for the chilly weather we are still getting.
Following: The Daily Raw on Instagram, her feed induces all kinds of vegan food cravings.
Noticing: How much Edd does for me, especially when I am struggling.
Knowing: That I am so incredibly lucky for my family, friends and my husband.
Thinking: About how I can rearrange my days so that they involve more reading time.
Admiring: Laura because she is seriously stunning.
Sorting: Out our kitchen! It’s been so satisfying going through our cupboards and drawers, fridge and pantry and throwing out a bunch of things to make it less cluttered before we get a new flatmate.
Buying: My first ever pot plant, Jim, who is not doing so great but better not die on me.
Getting: A little desperate to do some kind of travel, even if it’s just within New Zealand.
Bookmarking: Recipes with Haloumi. As I said, going vegan will be a big challenge.
Disliking: Negative self thoughts that make functioning harder that it needs to be.
Opening: A jar of Fix & Fogg’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter, excuse me while I eat this stuff by the spoonfull.
Giggling: Whilst playing Cards against Humanity, usually whilst tears pour out of my eyes. Its a good time.
Feeling: So many things; Sad, Grateful, Worried, Insecure, Excited, Tired, Curious, etc etc.
Snacking: On sweet and salty popcorn, I’m addicted to the stuff.
Coveting: A new iPhone, but I know it will be a while before I upgrade.
Helping: My little 13 year old brother with his market stall at the Howick Kid’s Market, and buying all the books at said market.
Hearing: People get excited about Spring and Summer, and warmer weather, and late nights with sunshine and barbecues. I think we are ready for Auckland to change things up.

Crochet myfoxycorner

The start of my blanket, not typical baby colours but I rather love it.

What has your month looked like so far?

Vegan Chilli Sin Carne Recipe

Vegan Chill Recipe myfoxycorner

Vegan Chill Recipe myfoxycorner

Today I wanted to share with you one of my all-time favourite meals that just so happens to be vegan as well as full of nutrients and flavour. This Vegan Chilli Sin Carne (chilli without meat, but sounding way fancier) is one of the few dishes that Edd makes far superior to myself so I force him to make giant pots of the stuff that we can use all week for lunches, burritos, stuffed baked potatoes and more (I’m all for making one big meal that will go a long way).

Vegan Chilli Sin Carne Recipe

This chilli is just as flavoursome as the meat version, with a hint of smoked chipotle replacing the meaty flavour but keeping it rich and hearty. Packed with kidney beans, juicy corn and capsicums and the warm heat of chilli and bold, Mexican spices, this vegan chilli is perfection for winter where you want a bowl of filling soul food.

Ingredients Chilli Sin Carne Recipe Vegan Myfoxycorner

Vegan Chilli Sin Carne


  • 3 tsp cumin powder
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
  • dash of cinnamon powder (about 1/4 tsp)
  • 1 heaped tsp chopped garlic
  • 2 tsp chopped chilli
  • 1 brown onion diced
  • 1 Tbsp approx chipotle paste/sauce
  • 1 cup of veggie stock
  • 1 big carrot chopped
  • 1 red capsicum
  • 1/2 C sweetcorn
  • 1 can of kidney beans
  • 1 can chilli beans (e.g. Watties chilli beans which are basically kidney beans in a spicy tomato sauce)
  • 1 can chopped tomatoes
  • fresh coriander and avocado to serve
  • salt and pepper to taste
Vegan Chilli Sin Carne Recipe

This is a giant pot with double the recipe stated here: enough to feed a small army, or two of us for a week.

Method: Vegan Chilli Sin Carne

  1. Fry off the onion, garlic and then the spices in a little oil until onion is soft and the aroma of spices fill the house. Add the chipotle and chilli and fry briefly.
  2. Drain your can of plain kidney beans and if you want to echo the texture of mince, mash these up with a fork until they look suitable (this isn’t required but does thicken up the chilli a little more).
  3. Chuck in your beans, chilli beans, carrots, tomatoes, vegetable stock and simmer for around 15-20 minutes (or longer if you have time and patience to let the flavours develop and the texture thicken).
  4. Make sure you taste at this stage in case you need to add a little more chipotle, a tbsp of brown sugar to sweeten it up, a bit more chilli etc. I tend to taste so much during the cooking process that by the times it’s finished I’m no longer hungry (doesn’t stop me eating :-/)
  5. Add your capsicum and corn and continue to simmer at a medium heat for another 10-15 minutes. Again, the longer you can leave this to develop, the better (it’s one of those dishes that is even more delicious the next day).
  6. Season with salt and pepper to your preference.
  7. Serve this along with some ripe avocado (ours was a little too ripe), freshly torn coriander and enjoy over a bowl of rice, a baked potato, or thrown inside a burrito with some salad! You can top with sour cream and cheese for something a wee bit more indulgent (but no longer vegan), but I promise it’s just as mouth-wateringly tasty without it. We have been enjoying this with a brown rice and lentil combo, usually making a double batch so that we can keep some in the freezer.

Chilli Sin Carne Vegan Recipe

This might seem life there are a few steps but it’s actually a straightforward and easy recipe that just involves a little more patience than my usual 5 minute meals, I promise its all worth it.

The beauty of this dish is that its so flexible to your tastes (and what’s lurking in the cupboard waiting to be used). We’ve tried adding brown lentils to bulk it up and include extra protein and this works well however I recommend cooking the lentils separately before hand. We’ve played around with the spices, the types of beans, the veggies we chuck in and it all comes out pretty darn delicious.

Vegan Chilli Sin Carne Recipe

I used to eat chilli con carne all the time before becoming vegetarian, so nothing makes me happier than knowing that this delicious spicy stew is even better packed with beans and veggies (and its also an abundant source of protein, as well as a meal that includes all of essential amino acids). Pairing the rich dish with fresh avocado and coriander brings the whole thing to life so I definitely suggest including those (preferably when avocados don’t cost the same as a Starbucks coffee).

If I had to choose a favourite winter meal it would either be this vegan chilli or my easy Indian Dahl. Give this one a go and let me know what you think! Is there anything different that you like to add to your chilli?

Chilli Sin Carne Vegan Recipe  Myfoxycorner


A big thanks to Edd who cooks this vegan chilli for me way more than he should have to, and who also took these beautiful photos whilst I was out spending money on brunch.

Have an awesome week guys!


Book Review: Church of Marvels

church of marvels

church of marvelsChurch of Marvels by Leslie Parry

This book arrived at my door and from the moment I saw its beautiful cover, I had a feeling I was in for a treat. Lately, books have been taking me forever to read, regardless of how great they are. Church of Marvels was demolished in two days (this was achieved with sleep deprivation and some casual anti-social attitudes towards colleagues at lunchtime, sorry). It doesn’t take a magician to work out whether I enjoyed this… but I reviewed it anyway so read on.

Summary: This marvellous story revolves around 3 narrators: a twin from a spectacular freak show on a search to find her sister, a wife who has ended up in an asylum with little recollection of how she got there, and an orphan man who cleans up the city at night, and discovers a thread which ties them all together. Set in the dark, and yet enchanting, late 19th Century New York, these characters lives become intertwined during one gripping night that unravels during the novel.

My Thoughts: I  haven’t been this engaged with a book for a long time, and I forgot that feeling of truly losing yourself into a whole other world and time, a setting full of dark secrets, unique characters and twisted back stories. This novel was expertly woven together in a way that every chapter left me wanting more, each character’s snippet of their story was never quite enough. The twists and surprises were the perfect kind, subtly implied and presented, but it wasn’t until the reveal where all of the random threads suddenly made sense. This was a world like nothing I had read about before, dark and yet spectacular, dirty and yet magical. Coney island was the perfect backdrop for these characters to come together, and Leslie Parry’s writing was the perfect tool to do so, detailed enough to make each description irresistibly real but not too much so to detract from the rapidly moving story.

We can be a weary, cynical lot – we grow old and see only what suits us, and what is marvelous can often pass us by. A kitchen knife. A bulb of glass. A human body. That something so common should be so surprising – why, we forget it. We take it for granted. We assume that our sight is reliable, that our deeds are straightforward, that our words have one meaning. But life is uncommon and strange; it is full of intricacies and odd, confounding turns.

What I liked: I lose any semblance of eloquence when trying to write a review (I’m not sure I ever had any) but I loved so much about this book. The enchanting and at times disturbing setting, the courageous set of carnival characters and their world of opium dens, hidden identities, mysteries and revelations. Attention to detail, even for seemingly minor characters, made this story lush and complex. The pacing of this story and its surprises were also done really well, enough was given away to make me feel like I was gradually working out what was happening; until the secrets were revealed and then I realised I really had no idea of how deeply intwined the story was. I also really loved the physical appearance of this book…which seems very shallow (okay, it is very shallow) but it just made the whole experience something special.

coney island

What I didn’t like: This is tricky..the only thing that was a negative for me (and it’s a bit of a stretch) was that for the first bit of the book I was a bit slow at working out who each character was and understanding their story in relation to everything else. I have heard opinions from others who didn’t love this book as much as me, and I think it was because it has the potential to become confusing due to the interwoven stories and the use of some creative language that at times can feel a little inaccessible. Personally I found the confusing intricacies and the imaginative language of this novel part of its charm, but I guess for some, this made it hard work.

Worth a read: Yes. So much yes. Give Church of Marvels some of your attention and you will be rewarded with an evocative story that entertains just like a spectacular carnival.

Rating: 4.5 stars

*This book was provided to me to read, but as always this space is for my opinions, as un-organised and confusing as they can be. All thoughts and words are my own.

Music to my Ears #4

I went through a bit of a music slump and then all of a sudden found myself listening to albums all over the place. So choosing 3 was actually a bit of a challenge. I stuck with 2 rather recent albums as well as a compilation album for an incredible movie (seeing as I don’t listen to compilations that often…)

 music to my ears 
1. Kintsugi by Death Cab for Cutie

I will always get excited when a new Death Cab album is released, but I never really got into their previous album and so when I listened to this the first time through and realised it was a winner I was beyond happy. To me this album sounds like the perfect development from older albums and also incorporates certain elements of The Postal Service. Its a good mix of upbeat singles and slower ballads, catchy tunes and restrained vocals, electronic and acoustic elements, and yet the album flows really nicely. Ever since the first time the OC played Lack of Colour, I fell in love with Death Cab and so falling in love with a new album was pretty darn satisfying.

Listen to: Black Sun, Little Wanderer, El Dorado and Binary Sea.

2. Darling Arithmetic by Villagers

I have Dad to thank for introducing me to the Villagers through my favourite track by them; Becoming a Jackal (which annoyingly doesn’t appear on this album), and have been immersing myself in their albums ever since. This newest album was released earlier this year, and shows a rather restrained and elegant style of theirs that I really enjoy. This album is beautifully melancholic and simple, put together in a really neat way. If you’re a fan of Kings of Convenience (which I am) then this folky acoustic album will definitely be up your alley. If not, listen to Becoming a Jackal, their debut album to hear another side of their music.

Listen to: Courage, Everything I am is Yours, Dawning on Me and The Soul Serene.

3. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Soundtrack

Weirdly appropriate, as this time last year I was on a plane to London watching this movie for the first time. First things first, if you haven’t seen this movie, you should. Its Ben Stiller at his best, and its also a reminder of how incredible and beautiful life can be. Its fantastic, and had a pretty perfect accompanying soundtrack. This soundtrack is perfect for a Sunday morning spent pottering (which is my favourite thing to do on a Sunday). There’s a cool mix of songs from a few different artists, but most of it is Jose Gonzalez or his band Junip (I’m not complaining at all).

Listen to: Stay Alive by Jose Gonzelez, Don’t Let It Pass by Junip, and Don’t You Want Me by Bahamas and the Weather Station (such a cool cover).

Give some of these a listen and let me know what you think.

What have you been playing recently?

Nobody is Alone

image (1)

Stephanie and Dee put their wonderful heads together to create this mental health blog project for people to take part in. The goal is to show that no one is alone in suffering from mental illness or learning to live with their struggles. I wanted to take part because mental health is something that is so important to me, and something I work on everyday to make my head a better place to be. The thing I have found most useful in this journey is realising that I’m not alone, and that there are so many amazing people out there for support and friendship.#nobodyisalone

1. Age: 24

2. Location: Auckland

3. Occupation: Public Servant

4. Is or has your mental health ever been of concern to you or others? As a child/teenager my mental health became a worry to my parents and teachers. As I was growing up I was still learning how to cope with life and all of its challenges (okay, so I’m still learning) and at times I suffered from depression and resorted to self-harm. Nowadays I am definitely better at recognising when life is getting too much and putting in place strategies to help me move through each hurdle but anxiety and depression can still arrive at my door when I least expect it.

5. Have you ever sought help for issues relating to your mental health? As a child I saw a variety of counsellors and psychologists, some of which were amazing and taught me some important life skills, others who did nothing but make me feel like a lunatic.

6. Have you ever felt anxious or had a panic attack? Anxiety is something that I experience pretty regularly, especially before a big social event or a day I know is going to be stressful and intense. Its scary to feel your mind and body freak out, your heart race and your hands shake, and that lack of control is the hardest thing to deal with.

7. What triggers you to feel anxious or low, in terms of your mood?  My triggers include lack of sleep, social situations that I don’t feel I have any control over (aka most of them) and stress (whether it be real or just perceived).

8. At what moments is your self-confidence at its lowest? Self-Confidence is one of those elusive concepts that I am definitely still working on. Its at its lowest when I’m sick, when I’m involved in negative relationships or just when my brain decides to bring up old “truths” I learnt as a child that put me in a vulnerable, negative state of mind.

9. What strategies do you use to cope when feeling anxious or low? My strategy for dealing with anxiety is using mindfulness and relaxation. This can be as simple as making myself to take a few deep breaths before walking into a social situation or reminding myself that the negative assumptions I make about certain things are just that, assumptions, and that it is my responsibility to reconsider certain things that change my perception of the world around me. Ultimately I have found that techniques which give me more control and responsibility over my mind help me to override the corrupt thoughts that cause my anxiety and try to produce more productive thought habits.

10. Does anxiety or a low mood have a physical effect on you? I definitely feel my mental state manifest in my physical health. When I am in a negative state of mind my body responds by getting sick and/or tired. This makes perfect sense because the human body is not designed to be a in a constant state of stress or anxiety and the chemical effects of this can be massive on your physical health. All the more reason to make my mental health the number one priority.

11. Do you or anybody you know suffer from a mental illness?  I have a close family member who is currently suffering in a pretty extreme way from a mental illness (and mental health has always been a part of my family history) and its harder for me to see it in someone I love then to deal with it myself.

12. Do you feel there is a stigma around mental illness? There is definitely stigma, even just in the way work environments give people sick days for when you have the flu but people are made to feel guilty or weak for taking days off when you simply can’t face getting out of bed. For people who have never experienced the paralysing ability of a broken mind, this can be hard to understand and this lack of understanding is a common cause of stigma.

13. What do you think could be done to change attitudes to mental health? Awareness. People shouldn’t feel ashamed of their mental health issues, the same as you wouldn’t be ashamed of a broken leg. People need to realise how important their mental health is, to the same degree that our physical health is seen as important if not more so. Awareness is so key, both for those who suffer from mental illness to make sure they know there is help available but also for those who haven’t experienced mental health issues and therefore may not understand its impact on others.

14. What advice do you have for anyone suffering from mental illness? My advice is that everyone is different and there is no one solution to mental illness so be experimental, talk to others and get tips on what has helped them in their journey. Then devote time and energy to trying these solutions until you find things that work for you. Make sure you do use the support of those around you and ask for help when you need it. Realise that there might always be bad days but you can get better at moving through these bad days and facing tomorrow. Focus on the positive’s in life because there are so many once we start looking. If you are suffering from mental illness speak to a professional to make sure you have the best tools available to help.

If you need someone to talk to call Lifeline on 0800 543 354 and seek help, because no one has to go through life and all of its challenges alone.

mental health challenge

50 Random Facts About Me

I have loved reading this tag all over the blogging and youtube community and after being tagged by Laura I couldn’t wait to do it myself. I was expecting to find this a struggle and it almost worries me how easy it was. Too easy. Oh well, hope you enjoy learning more than a few pointless facts about yours truly.

  1. I have two big obsessions (probably more but two is enough to disclose for now): tea and nail polish. it can be a little ridiculous actually.
  2. I’m a Pisces and live up to quite a lot of the typical traits.
  3. My favourite flowers are hydrangeas, forget-me nots and peonies.

    I love Hydrangeas so much that they were a big part of my wedding!

    I love Hydrangeas so much that they were a big part of my wedding!

  4. My favourite colour is periwinkle blue
  5. I’ve been a vegetarian since 1st Jan 2014 and have loved making the change.
  6. I would love to go vegan but I also love cheese. So for now, no deal.
  7. I’m not a morning person (but would love to be). Instead I stay up all night reading pointless things on the internet when I should be sleeping.
  8. I find doing dishes super relaxing but I really hate vacuuming (no one said these facts were going to be interesting).
  9. I have pretty bad asthma and have to take my inhaler where ever I go.
  10. I also have eczema and hayfever/allergies.
  11. You probably had no idea, but my favourite animals are foxes, followed very closely by cats.
  12. I love churches as well as other religious buildings and could spend my life wandering from one peaceful building to the next. Something about their history and their stories as well as the effort that goes into them, whether its the art or the architecture or just the overall sense of spirit.
  13. I really hate asparagus and asparagus rolls are my idea of hell on earth (I’m really sorry Nana).
  14. Baking is one of my favourite things to do but I take any cooking failures extremely personally so the whole thing can be a bit love-hate.
  15. For 3 years I lived in Sydney, Australia and was lucky enough to call Manly Beach home. It’s a beautiful place and I can’t wait to go back some time soon.

    Manly was one of those places almost too beautiful to ever appreciate properly. Image Credit

    Manly was one of those places almost too beautiful to ever appreciate properly. Image Credit

  16. I try to use contact lenses but ultimately I’m too lazy and cbf putting them in every morning. Also my nails make taking them out even worse then trying to force them on my eyeballs. Its a mission that I just don’t care enough to bother with.
  17. My parents divorced when I was one year old and I find it super weird to think of my mum and dad together.
  18. I have always wanted to write fiction and I really hope that one day I can motivate myself to do so.
  19. Coke over pepsi. Always.
  20. I am extremely clumsy and always have been. I would always come home looking like I had been in a fight but it was usually just a fight between me and the concrete floor (or a glass door).
  21. When I was a child I wanted to open up an animal shelter in my home and even had drawn out floor plans of how it would all work in a giant house I was somehow going to obtain. It was a little strange but the good intent was there.
  22. I’m a terrible gambler. Don’t take me to the casino because we will all end up regretting it.
  23. I make daily to-do lists to help my chaotic mind in order. It works, sometimes.
  24. My favourite holiday is Christmas and it makes me go a little crazy. Okay, a lot crazy. Bonus fact – my favourite Christmas movie is Elf.
  25. If I had to choose one makeup item to use forever it would be a lipstick. I love bold bright colours, but if I could only have one it would by Ruby Woo by MAC.
  26. My favourite ice cream flavour it orange chocolate chip. Hands down, for life. Summer in a cone.
  27. I have a terrible tendency to sign up to things for free trials and then end up signed up for life because I am too lazy to figure out how to terminate my subscriptions.
  28. I played the flute throughout Intermediate and High School but am now trying to learn the guitar. Its not going so great.
  29. My favourite family summer spot is Hot Water Beach on the coromandel (as well as nearby Hahei). Its our yearly family getaway and I couldn’t choose anywhere better.
  30. The first chapter book I ever read was Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox.
  31. I am yet another art history nerd and my favourite artist is J.M.W Turner (but there are so many who I love).


    The Slave Ship by J.M.W Turner, and the first piece of his that I came across.

  32. I would love to work with kids, either as a teacher or psychologist.
  33. I have been married for two years and been with my husband since I was in 5th form (around 9 years ago).
  34. I’m allergic to seafood but the allergy only developed around 4 years ago (I didn’t even know that was possible).
  35. America’s next top model is my guilty pleasure and I have watched every single episode, sometimes twice. It’s not something I’m proud of.
  36. I have two fox soft toys. One is 20 years old (Cedric) and the other is 1 year old (Basil).
  37. Sticky date pudding is the best desert ever (especially when smothered in caramel sauce), closely followed by creme brûlée.
  38. My favourite comfort food is a big steaming bowl of tomato pasta covered in cheese. All of the cheese.
  39. Merlin is my furbaby. We adopted him on 1 Jan this year and he’s now 5 months old. Feast your eyes on his cuteness, you know you want to.

    50 random things about me

    I cannot deal with his cuteness.

  40. Dual citizen, woo! (NZ and Australia)
  41. I am not a sports person in general but love watching tennis and would love to learn to play but am too uncoordinated to ever be any good.
  42. I don’t like white chocolate (except for Milky Bars, cause there is something special about those). Don’t even get me started on white chocolate brownies.
  43. My favourite word is Echo and I have no idea why.
  44. My favourite movies are Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Fall. Don’t make me choose.

    The cinematography of The Fall is indescribable.

    The cinematography of The Fall is indescribable.

  45. I’m also a sucker for disney movies (Disney night anyone?) with my favourite being Beauty and the Beast.
  46. I have a Bachelor of Science (majors in Psychology and Biology) and a Bachelor of Arts (Major in Art History). I really want to go back and do more (but without the poor student..)
  47. I hated blue cheese for most of my life but in the last year or two have realised how it is actually the BEST CHEESE EVER.
  48. I had a big crush on Elijah Wood when Lord of the Rings came out (and I was around 12/13). Like an obsessive crush. Creepy level crush. I even had a movie cut out of him (its super weird, I’m so sorry).
  49. I’m not the best with crowds. Sometimes I’m late to work because I try and avoid the crowded elevators and end up letting several go up before eventually getting in and trying to hold by breath for 7 floors. Its weird (a lot of my facts seem to be weird, I should probably have chosen more carefully).
  50. I spent ages trying to come up with a fact good enough to finish on and found it the hardest part of the entire tag. Does that count as a fact? It does now.

I’m probably the last person to do this but if you haven’t yet, then I tag you! Go forth and share 50 random facts that are probably a little too revealing about how strange you are as a person (you did such a great job of hiding it up until now).
