My Foxy Corner is on Holiday

So I should have done this post couple of weeks ago but the good intention was lost in a blur of travel related stuff so here it is now, better late than never.

In case you hadn’t noticed the obvious, this blog feels a little abandoned but there is a good reason behind it. Edd and I are on a two month holiday in the UK and Europe and won’t be back home util early July.

I’m blogging over here if you want to keep up with travel related posts (a public travel journal really) but if not hold tight and in a couple months My Foxy Corner will be back in action!

Below are a few photos of what we have been up to so far.







  • BalmainBeauty

    I’m so happy I got to see you before you left for your holiday and I really enjoyed reading your travel post’s. I wanted to write some post’s whilst in Sydney but I decided to give myself some time to enjoy the holiday (as it was short) and instead filmed a few vlog’s. I hope that you’ve managed to watch the first two I’ve posted and next time I go overseas I’m definitely going to post and vlog a lot more. Did you film anything whist you were away or did you just take photo’s? I’m glad your back!