So I thought I should do a quick post over here. Most people know I am back home in cold, wintery New Zealand after what can only be described as the adventure of a lifetime, trapezeing (well…training) through 11 countries in 2 months and meeting as many animals as we could along the way (mainly cats).
I have been back for a month now, a simple fact that quite simply blows my mind. And in that time I have done a terrible, horrendous job of getting back in to blogging (both here and over at My Foxy Travels where I haven’t even finished up blogging about my trip, please hold while I drown my guilt in red wine). This is not because I have gone off it, quite the opposite as I am super excited for what the future may bring with my blog.
No, it is not a lack on good intention, more a lack of motivation. Maybe I have simply forgotten how to blog? Or how to make time for it rather? Life has been chaotic this last month and adapting back to the real world has thrown me something silly.
Hence the PHD. No, not a doctorate or any sense of achievement. PHD aka post holiday depression is the only way I can explain the anxiety and stress that has been threatening to drown me since returning. Its not that I am unhappy as such, being back with friends and family is awesome. But there is so much else going on with babies (not mine, don’t stress), trying to find a place to live, social commitments and adjusting back to work weeks. I guess I have just forgotten how to manage it all.
So this is me, just letting you guys know that I am still here and this blog is still a priority (just not the top one at this stage). So bear (bare?) with me and I promise that in no time at all I will be back and hopefully ready to recommit to this hobby that I love doing. In the mean time, meet some of the cats we met whilst in Europe.

We found this wild guy on a hill looking over Barcelona, a little rough around the edges but so incredibly friendly and up for a cuddle. How could we resist?

Rome was like the Cat Capital of Europe and this little area of ruins in the middle of the city was home to over 200 wild cats, some of which were housed in a little sanctuary and some which roamed wild. One of the best moments of the trip, which most people think is quite strange.

And this handsome fella was from this weekend just past, back home in New Zealand, in a small beer garden/cafe outside of Rotorua. Cats are great, no matter where in the world I find them.
- wtmontana
- Sarah-Elizabeth
- frockandroll
- BalmainBeauty
- Amanda @ MoveLoveEat