Overdue for a catch-up

Why hello there,

I return from a blogging hiatus as the Wife of my best friend and so I thought I should have a quick chat (to myself basically) to update you all and let you all into what my life has been like in the past couple of weeks and what it is like now :)

First off I missed blogging but life got so chaotic the couple of weeks before the wedding and still hasn’t quite returned to normal. Blogging was the easiest thing to sacrifice and to be honest I was too stressed to sit down and blog even when I did have the time!

Secondly: the wedding was on Sunday just gone and it was perfect. It exceeded my expectations in many ways and I only have one regret (which was my weight, no one wants to get married when they don’t feel like they are at the right weight but this is a tiny teeny detail in the full scope of what the day was like). It was the perfect weather for our little outdoor ceremony and for the marquee garden party dinner. Edd and his boys looked amazing and my two bridesmaids looked like models! I won’t go into a huge amount of detail as I have a whole series of posts on various aspects of the big day that I will start trickling through the blog. Unfortunately the wedding photos will take a good couple of months to arrive so until then I will make do with the small number taken by some friends and family.

I had a slight hilarious disaster the night before our wedding eve that through everything off! I can’t wait to write a blog to share with you guys about it. It makes me laugh now but at the time I cried like a baby.

Now that the wedding is over (our *honeymoon* isn’t really until the beginning of march where we go up north for a week) I am back to full time job hunting. Pre-wedding I was feeling pretty horrid over the job hunting business after being rejected several times for lack of experience or for my age or for my ethnicity. After the small job hunting break pre-wedding I feel recharged and ready to keep being rejected until someone takes me on! I’m also applying for jobs outside of where I want my specific experience as I figure the main thing is to get an income and then I can use my free time to volunteer and get experience that way.

Being a Wife feels pretty much the same as before hahaha. Edd and I haven’t quite clicked on to it all yet but I doubt much will change. I have to find out how I am supposed to change my name because I have no idea how I go about doing this haha. I am planning on hyphenating my name (Lockhart-Weaver) although the celebrant at our wedding ignored my carefully typed out ceremony that I wrote and called me Mrs Weaver regardless hahaha. Cue everyone in the ceremony being confused.

Edd and I have joined a local Jets gym (one of the 24 h0ur gyms throughout Auckland) and they have TV’s on EVERY bike, cross-trainer and tread mill. Despite some channels not being available I am very happy to be able to distract myself from the pain of cardio by absorbing myself in pointless tv shows that normally I would be slobbed out on the couch in front of. Also Edd is an amazing gym buddy and being in a pair makes motivation a lot easier. When one of us doesn’t feel like it (usually me) it is a lot easier to push through and go when I know Edd is there with me.

Our house is full of left over wedding cupcakes that we all can’t bear to eat haha. Who would have thought it could get to this?

I also can’t bear to face the dishes as there is icing equipment from the wedding, platters, containers and so on that have taken over. For now I refuse to clean and that means no cooking either as we have zero room for it (Edd will be horrified that becoming a wife hasn’t turned me into a perfect house cleaner and cooker, sorry love!)

Now the wedding is over we can also start putting some thought into planning our trip to Europe at the end of this year (around August/September) and that makes me excited! All I need is a job so we can budget how much extra we can save.

This weekend I am going to the lantern festival in the city (Saturday night) for the first time so that’s exciting and it’s my birthday on Sunday (I become 22)! (although I am working, but it’s looking after my brothers so doesn’t feel much like work). Sunday night a close friend is cooking me up dumplings and teaching me her ways (I hope). Exciting weekend yay!

I think that’s enough rambling to catch y0u all up! Look forward for lots of posts coming up, I have a haul, sample bar from February a job hunting ramble and a whoooole lot of wedding day posts on stuff like our decor, the makeup, the clothing, the music, ceremony blah blah (so sorry in advance if you have zero interest in all that rubbish!)

Happy to be back


(p.s. here’s a sneak peak of the big day :)


Friday’s Letters: Feeling the excitement


Dear Wedding: Holy cow! How did you get to being 9 days away? Also how is there still so much left on my list…. Regardless of the stress the excitement is even more pronounced and I can’t wait for the day where I become the wife of my best friend! Dear Cabbage Soup: You were okay the first day of this dumb diet but now I am sick of you. The only good thing is that every time I am hungry (and you are my only option to eat) I automatically cease all feelings of hunger so that’s good…Dear Gym: I am so happy to have rejoined a gym. And boy you are fancy! I love the TVs on every bike and treadmill screen so that I can channel hop while I exercise. Dear Edd: Thankyou for being my gym buddy and helping me with my workouts. This whole thing is so much easier with someone by my side who pushes me and supports me (and corrects my bad wrist positions when I do weights). Dear Callie: I know you love the rain and that you also love getting a towel dry but coming in and out several times in the space of an hour just to enjoy this repeatedly is a little time consuming. Dear Family: I can’t believe how supportive everyone is during this time of stressful last minute planning. No way could I do this myself. Dear Job Hunting: I would love to tell you to get stuffed but unfortunately I still need a job :( And all of my energy going into wedding planning makes this rather difficult. Why can’t the perfect job just find me? Dear Auckland: Thankyou for being so beautiful.

Things I’ve been loving in January!

Hi all!
Here are a few random favorites from January :)
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1. The Office USA.
Edd and I are big fans of both the original series as well as the US adaptation but recently we rewatched all the US seasons and have started on the new ones. I love this show and the amazing characters that drive its 30 minutes of non-stop laughter. A great distraction from a few of the more stressful aspects of my life at the moment.

2. Blue and gold iPhone case from Forever New.
Let me start by saying that I love Forever New, such a gorgeous shop that I spend way too much time in considering I can afford very little of their beautiful stuff. This is a iPhone case/wallet that is a cornflower blue with gold inside and I had been lusting after it for ages! Finally I saw this with 50% off and I grabbed it with a huge smile on my face! Now it’s my favorite iPhone accessory. I should add that the colours of my upcoming wedding are this kind of blue and gold which probably explains my love of this combo!).

3. Game of Thrones season 2.
Edd and I are also huge fans of GOT (the first season and book) so we were excited to watch this latest season last month! I was slightly disappointed with the small amount of story lines concerning the DRAGONS! But otherwise it was amazing and wonderful. As good as the first season? Maybe in different ways but definitely filled the gaping hole in my life that the first season left.

4. Monopoly deal card game.
I don’t know when this game came out but my brothers got it for Christmas and we have been playing it nonstop!! Luckily for me I love it so this isn’t such a big issue haha. A great short alternative to the board game that can take us all day to play. Even mr 5 is able to play it ( and beat me pretty consistently I should add) so a game that pretty much anyone can enjoy.

5. Homemade peach iced tea.
We all know by now I have a tea problem but at the moment in the heat of summer my hot tea drinking has declined dramatically and in its place a large icy pitchers of peach iced tea. I make this using this brands cordial type drink that can be used 1 part to 4 with water and then customized with sliced fruit and in my case a squeeze of lemon to enjoy on those insufferable days.

Oh well another month’s favorites over and out! There won’t be an albums of the month as I’m running behind on a few wedding posts I’d like to put up on the next two weeks (14 days til the wedding!!!!) and my music has been pretty much the Of monsters and men album from last month still on repeat.

Let me know any of your random favorites or any TV recommendations you may have!

Friday’s Letters: Counting down the days


Dear Wedding: Well you sure are approaching at lightspeed. All the big stuff is done just lots of tiny things left for me to toss and turn over. Dear Coromandel:Thankyou for providing the setting for a lovely, relaxing long weekend. Your beaches were stunning as usual and the food was fantastic. See ya next year. Dear Mum: Thankyou for the coffee and lunch date today. I miss our catch ups at Uni so was good to reconnect. Dear Body: I forgot how horrendous you can be when you are sick. I feel like death and I have a list of things to do a mile long. Does not compute. Dear Job Hunting: I’m not sure why you are being so difficult but a little cooperation would be lovely. You are draining both my time and my spirit. Dear Callie:Thankyou for our mornings together where we lie in bed and talk (though your meows can be a little hard to understand at times). I’m so happy you came into our lives as the sick stray kitty you were so that we could fix you up and have you as our baby. Dear Self: Stuff feels like its getting kind of crazy at the moment but hold on and just don’t forget to breathe.

January Beauty Favorites

20130131-170725.jpgWell I don’t think anyone knows where January went…feels like it was Christmas last week and New Years yesterday so needless to say this year will fly by. Also there are 18 days until the wedding….yup, 18. Am I stressed out silly? A teeny bit but all the main stuff is done and I’m just treating it like a party with my family and friends so that helps. Anywho, tangent over, lets get on with seeing what beauty products I have been loving this month! Its summer so heavy makeup is definitely out and glossy lips with tinted moisturizers are in.

20130131-170757.jpg#1: MUA Eyeshadow palette in Undressed (especially shades 2, 6 and 10). I love this palette, its a great compromise for us who can’t afford the Naked palettes haha. On the few nights this month where I wanted makeup on my eyes this was all I used, especially enjoying the golden shade 6 with the deep brown shade 10 in the crease. These shades have incredible pigmentation and glide on beautifully. All for 4 pounds! Below is a single sweep of three shades I have been using just to show how pretty they are!


20130131-171342.jpg#2: Dove tinted moisturizer in Beige. Please excuse this rough and dirty bottle, this thing goes everywhere with me. Not a new product for sure, my mum actually bought me this ages ago and I have repurchased a couple times since. It is my favorite tinted moisturizer for a couple of reasons. For example it doesn’t irritate my extremely sensitive skin, it gives me a nice complexion and even tone without putting a thick layer of makeup over it and it also has a bit of SPF in it which means its not a disaster when I forget my sunscreen. This month has been lots of beach and pool days so this light moisturizer has been perfect and I haven’t used anything else.

20130131-171326.jpg#3: Nivea lip balm in Pink Guava. This has been my lip balm of choice most days because it smells and tastes AMAZING! Moisture wise its average, for me it works fine unless my lips are quite dry and need repair. This gives my lips a nice pink, rosy tint and its only around $4 which is nice :)

20130131-171419.jpg#4: Revlon Kissable Balm Stain in Honey. The other lip product I have been using is one of the balm stains I have. The funny thing is that this shade (Honey) is one I would have passed over in an instant! Yet I kept seeing Chelsea (confessionsofabeautyaddict.com – great beauty blog so pop over and check it out!) rave about this shade in particular on twitter and her blog and so I chose it before even trying. Thank goodness I did because this has been the most used balm stain out of the 4 I have. It is such an easy to wear, my lips but better shade that I see it becoming a staple in my handbag.

20130131-171356.jpg#5: Peach Blossom petit parfum by Urban Rituelle. I picked this fragrance up when shopping with my mum at Forever New for $20 and it is gorgeous! A beautiful summery fragrance that is fresh and fruity with a little floral thrown in for good measure. Pretty much smells like peach iced tea to me! Its convenient little size means it is the perfect handbag scent and I wore it almost all of this month. Its a strong scent so 1 spray is enough however it doesn’t last all day. I am craving their ginger scent in this range that smells like a Chai latte strangely enough…

20130131-170940.jpg#6: Essie’s Demure Vixen. Last up is my nail polish favorite of the month and for January it is this gorgeous nude from Essie that is one of my all time favorite shades. Aptly named this shade is slightly darker than a true nude with a purple undertone. Added to this is a subtle violet shimmer that creates a lavender sheen to this nude, unlinke anything else I have seen. The day I run out of this will be a sad one as it is truly gorgeous.

Well that’s it for this month! February holds a lot of excitement and I can’t wait to share it with you all :) xx

January’s Sample Bar Glam Pack


Hi All! So I hate being one of those people who apologizes for a lack of blogging, especially with such a small number of readers. This blog is a source of fun and escape for me so when I am not enjoying it or when it starts to make my life more stressful time wise I see no reason to try forcing out rushed posts. I needed a bit of a break and had zero motivation to blog due to stresses in other areas of my life so blogging has been sparse and I hope that won’t be the case much longer! :) Anyway, here is what I received in last week’s Sample bar glam pack! I hear there is a new subscription service being launched in NZ soon so now I am torn as to whether I should pay for both, swap over or stick to sample bar hmmm.

photo (63)This months box was based around the theme of jet setting or holidaying over the summer period and I was fairly happy with what we received this month although I would love a makeup product/sample to be included.

1. Steamcream: The first full size product included this month was the multi-award winning steamcream which comes in a variety of very eye-catching and cute little tins! I have seen a couple of other designs which were very cute but have to say I was very pleased to get this English design! I think a lot of people thought this would be like a multipurpose balm product  but it’s definitely a beautiful lotion/moisturiser that can be kept in the handbag and used where-ever. I love the scent of lavender (but I am sure some won’t) and find the cream to be beautiful on the skin without being too greasy. The 75g tin costs $29.95 (yay for getting our $25 money’s worth!). I’m already thinking of ways I can repurpose this tin…

2. Twistband in neon green: So this is apparently some hyped up elastic accessory from the states that can be used as a hair tie or as a wrist accessory. I think I must be missing something because this looks like it could be made in a 6 year old’s craft class… Don’t get me wrong, the snag free elastic is snag free, it holds my hair up rather well and looks cuter around my wrist than a crappy little black hair tie for sure but I’m not sure I really get the hype around it. Oh well I am always in need of more hair ties! These are $2.95 individually.

3. Air Repair eye cream: I am a sucker for eye creams! I am not sure why but I love trying new ones out so I was excited to see one included and full size too yay! This is a super hydrating eye cream with aloe, allantoin, vitamin C, green tea extract and cloudberry seed (what?) but don’t ask me what all of those do. It feels soothing on the eye but I haven’t used it long enough to get a clear idea on how it works. This is $17.50 for the 15mL tube.

4. Hil Cook Solution Buds: A two pack sample of cotton buds which can be fiddled around with in order to release make up remover solution into one end which can then be used to remove any makeup accidents or smudges. A cute and useful idea for when on the go or out away from trusty make up remover and cotton balls but at $12.99 for 20 I am not sure I would spend my money on the pack.

5. Le Tan SPF 30 Coconut Lotion: Last up is another favorite! I love the coconut smell of this sunblock/lotion so was pleased to receive a mini sized tube to take with me this weekend to the Coromandel. I’m not sure if this counts as sunblock or not but I use this happily on my body to give non-greasy SPF protection that doesn’t feel or smell like sun block. This is $5.99 for the little 35mL size that fits perfectly into my handbag.

So that’s it for this month! Overall pretty happy but hope to see some makeup next month. The only things I would maybe buy again would be the eye cream as it’s not too expensive, the coconut lotion and if I could afford more steam cream I would buy it in a flash for its divine scent but most of all the tins!! I need more!

Talk to you soon


Made me smile: a brief set of smiles

Hi all!
Sorry for abandoning you lately, life is a bit busy and hectic and this blog writing falls on the back burner a little :)
Here are the last couple of weeks in smiles!

First try at cinnamon scrolls (holy moly they were amazing), miss Callie’s surprised face, another first try this time with peach cupcakes (again highly enjoyable), beautiful Flick in the garden soaking up the sun


The last couple of weeks have involved a lot of nannying both for my brothers and another lovely family. This involved much bouncing on trampolines which was fun but surprisingly painful, making lots of drawings on demand, lovely walks in beautiful locations, oh and Edd and I started season 2 of Game of Thrones! Yay!


Weekend just gone was spent at Mission bay enjoying this gorgeous weather! And my week ended with some dog cuddles :)

Hope you all had a wonderful week! I have a job interview coming up so send me all your positive vibes okay? 😉 I’m hoping blogging will start to be a bit more regular again but for now I am afraid you have to deal with my made me smile posts (which have become a my week in instagram haha) and my friday letters, so basically all the random moments of my week.


Friday’s Letters: Never enough time in the day


Dear Life: Slow down, sometime’s I don’t feel like I can quite keep up with you and would love a little respite. Dear Wedding Ring: You are perfect. Small and delicate. Understated and elegant. Exactly what I wanted and for a lot less than I was planning to pay (thanks to the 50% off sales!). Dear Children: You tire me out but being a Nanny has its advantages. Your laughs bring smiles to my face. Your questions make me wonder things that never crossed my mind. Your tantrums teach me patience and your games remind me to have fun. Thank you. Dear Job Interview: I’m terrified but happy that I got through to the next selection. You give me hope that maybe I will be able to find a job soon. Please be nice? Dear Pita and Lulu: Have an awesome time in Fiji. Please stay safe and don’t forget to come back in time for my wedding. If my brothers and sisters aren’t all here I promise I will throw the biggest hissy fit possible. Love you. Dear Skin: You have been a pain and a half this week. Thanks for the sleepless nights because my skin felt like it was on fire. I pray that this $95 Doctors appt will clear you up and make you behave yourself. Why is there no simple fix? Dear Blog: Sorry for abandoning you this week. Next week I hope things will get back to normal but in this pre-wedding and job hunting whilst nannying phase my time seems to slip away before I can plan what to do with it, so no promises :)

Foxy Favorites for December


My last favorites post for 2012! Bring on 2013 and all its challenges :) I hope you all had a safe but fun New Years celebration (mine was pretty tame, spending the last moments of 2012 and the first of 2013 with the man I love which suits me just fine!). Here are my random favorites for the last month.

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1. Pfeffer-Nusse

These German gingerbread morsels of Christmassy deliciousness were brought to my attention by Edd and after finding them for $1.50 a bag at Kmart over the Christmas period my fondness for them blossomed. Little gingerbread sponge biscuits with a layer of thin icing over the top. I’m not sure if they are meant to be a Christmas food but seem to only be sold at that time here in NZ. I’m kind of glad they aren’t sold year round, I don’t think it would help my attempts at eating healthier.

2. Parks and Recreation

Edd and I watched about 4 seasons of this over the past couple of months and LOVED it! Every night we would settle down and end up staying awake far too late just because it was too hard to stop watching. A great character-driven comedy that feels a little like The Office. Great, lovable but cringe-worthy characters. My favorite? Ron Swanson of course.


3. MegaRun

So my iPhone app of the month is this simple but addictive game. Similar to MegaJump I believe (having never played a minute of that). At first I found this game a bit hard and kind of gave up but then Edd started playing and competition was born. Both of us have almost completed all the levels and I am 99% sure Edd is going to beat me to the finish but regardless it was a very fun game when I had a few minutes with nothing to do (or an hour where I should be doing quite a lot…).

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4. Green Tea with Orchard Peach

Despite it now being a little too hot to drink pots of hot tea each day my tea favorites continue! I still have hot tea when I manage but mostly I have been drinking tea chilled with a slice of lemon. This green tea with peach is a beautiful summery tea that is delicious hot but even better over ice.

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5. Christmas!

What would December favorites be without a mention of Christmas? I love Christmas and this year proved to be a great success. Edd and I visited three different family groups for celebrations on Christmas day and all 3 were lovely to be a part of. Favorite parts about this years christmas: the first time Edd and I have done our own Christmas tree, watching scary movies christmas eve with mum and family, over-indulging on ham, pavlovas, amazing trifles and roast dinner, buying presents for Callie, getting spoilt by absolutely everyone, spending Boxing day in a food coma and many more. I hope everyone else had a lovely holiday, whatever you choose to celebrate!

So there are my random Foxy Favorites for the past couple of months (mainly December). I can’t wait to see what January has in store other than this sweltering heat!



Friday’s Letters: A New Year


Dear Callie: Thankyou for making me laugh each and every week. Your facial expressions never fail to amaze me and drive me to giggles, Dear 2013: Hi there, nice to meet you! There is so much going on this year and I can’t wait to meet each challenge and moment head on, Dear Peach Cupcakes: Thankyou for not failing miserably. I always get so nervous trying new cupcake ideas and you came out exactly like I wanted, fresh, summery and fruity with a bit of buttercream to top it all off! Dear Edd: I am so happy to be coming into the Mew Year with you! Thank you for being my best friend and for trialing all my baking. It was so lovely to have some time with you over this rare and magical holiday period, Dear Mum: thankyou for everything this week. I have had so much fun going shopping with you and Lulu :) & get better soon! Dear iPad: I want you :( Im just waiting for the money to fall from the sky so I can get you. Dear Coffee-Maker: Hi and welcome to the house! Thanks to my lovely mother in law (to be) Edd now makes me amazing cafe quality coffees and I’m in heaven!

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