Posts Tagged ‘Sick’

Friday’s Letters: Pull it together


Dear Body: Please pull yourself together. I simply do not have the time or energy for being sick. If I start treating you a little better can you please behave and not be so difficult? That would be really cool… Dear Electricity: I forget how much I need you and then we spend a whole night without power…that was fun. Thank god for all the random candles around the place that I keep buying and never using. Dear Callie: In this freezing weather your 5am cuddles are only slightly annoying and mainly just warm and comforting. Carry on. Also I am glad your meow has magically returned…that was weird. Dear $3 beers: You make it extremely hard to stay sensible at work drinks. Dear Edd: Your lemon and honey’s are the best. This is why I married you. (Okay so there may have been a couple other reasons as well). Still not sure why you married me though haha. Dear Amazing Race: Thanks for making my day off work slightly less unpleasant. I was sad when my favorite team left though :( Dear My Kitchen Rules: Speaking of reality tv, what the heck am I to do when your grand finale finishes on Monday and I am left with no tv show to make the first three days of the week slightly bearable? You can’t take over our TVs for what feels like a year and then just up and leave…seems a little selfish if you ask me. Dear Strawberry Pavlova: You are rather delicious. Welcome to the tea family. Dear Auckland: Sometimes I forget how lovely this little big city really is. I must make more of effort to truly explore and enjoy you. However your random cold snap was a bit of a shock to the system…a bit of warning is all I ask for.

Tips for surviving sickness

1. Lemon and honey, lemon and honey and more lemon and honey… I love this stuff and regardless of the scientific justifications I just feel better when I have this when I am sick.

2. Sleep-ins – hard to do when Uni calls my name everyday but finding the time to relax and give your body a rest is so helpful.

3.TV shows to keep you busy while you rest – for me my guilty pleasures are basically any reality TV show series: America’s Next Top Model, Project Runway, Top Chef etc.

4. Comfort Food – my favorite coping mechanism of all, I recommend quantities of chocolate/chocolate biscuits/chocolate mousse/hot chocolate etc.

5. Spicy Food – as I have had some evil cold/flu thing recently spicy dishes have been much appreciated for a temporary nose clearer. My favorites include a spicy Thai green chicken curry and a big bowl of spicy Mexican chili. mmmm

6. A fluffy companion – I of course use Callie the cat when she is in a co-operative mood but if you don’t have a cat or your cat refuses to recognize your fluffy requirements any soft toy or very fluffy pillow will do, helps if it purrs though.

7. Last but most importantly for me was someone to make all my lemon and honeys, watch lots of crappy TV with, bring me copious amounts of food and provide cuddles when I felt like crap! I am lucky to have Edd to provide the “comforter when sick” role :)

So those are my coping strategies for surviving a period of stuffed noses, sore throats and all-over rubishyness (not a word…)

Hope you are all feeling better than I am this week!


So sick….

uh oh. Feel myself getting ill, post nasal dri...

Hi All!

So I am three days into my last 6 weeks of my undergraduate degree! Exciting but also terrifying at the same time. What makes the whole thing worse is I am behind on several assignments that are due in a terrifyingly short amount of time and on top of that Monday I woke up with what feels like the flu!

After miserably suffering my way through the Monday and Tuesday I was able to have a break at home today with very little lectures on. Definitely much needed! I don’t know why it happens but all through holidays I am fine and in healthy form then Bam! First day back and I am hit with this. I tend to catch everything that goes around unfortunately but usually they are manageable colds that last for a couple of days than leave me in peace. I am having more difficulty coping with this one.  Anyway, enough of this feeling sorry for myself.

The good things about being sick are the lemon and honey drinks which taste extra nommy when Edd makes them for me (Thankyou!), the excuse to get takeaways especially of the hot and very spicy Thai variety and … okay that’s all the positives I can think of at the moment. ..

So I apologize in advance for what I predict will be a week of little blogging, I can barely find the time to do my uni work and on top of that get the flat ready for an imminent flat inspection (one day I won’t have to rent a house!)

Things I have coming up include a nail care routine, the start of some wedding posts in preparation for the big day, my favorite brownie recipe and who knows what else!

So if anyone has any great sickness prevention tips of secrets on surviving a flu than please pass them on and I hope everyone is having a better week than me so far!
